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"You guys look hot," Kiera chuckles.

"Thanks," Nezther smiles. "We've wanted to get pictures done for so long. I want to get them done before I start showing," she places her hand on her belly.

Kiera nods, "but why all black?"

"We actually bought red leather jackets for the shoot," I say softly.

I wrap my arms around my wife. "You wanna get going?" I kiss her forehead.

"Just let me say goodbye to the kids," she tugs out of my grip.

I sigh heavily. "Didn't she already say goodbye?" Keira furrows her eyebrows.

I nod, "yeah, twice."

«» «» «»

"Perfect! You guys have so much chemistry!"

I smile down at my wife, not being able to contain the urge to kiss her. She giggles against my lips, making the man take more photos.

About an hour and a half later, we were all sitting around a computer to pick our which of the photos we liked.

"I like that one!" Nezther shouts.

"But that was a mistake, no?" The man frowns.

"I like it too," I shrug. "We look really happy."

He tilts his head from side to side a few times. Suddenly, he grins. "I see it! I love it!" He exclaims.

I pull my wife into my side. "It's a perfect picture," I kiss her head. I stare at the photograph of us laughing until we start to go through the rest. "You pick which ones you want. I have to use the bathroom."

When I come back, I see Nezther staring at her phone nearly in tears. I look over her shoulder, only to roll my eyes when I see the name at the top of the screen.

I gave you everything, you whore. I didn't leave you when you were broke, I fucking fixed you. I loved you when you couldn't love yourself. I hate you, you destroyed me. You fucking left me for my best friend. And if that isn't enough for you, you took him away from me. I hope something happens to one of your kids so you know my pain, you fucking slut.


I pull the phone out of her hands. I call him, putting the phone up to my ear. "What?" He snaps.

"You better listen with a good fucking ear, Bieber," I growl into the phone. "The next time you even so much as look at my wife, I will have you arrested for harassment. You fucked up, Justin. Accept it and move on. We will both be changing our phone numbers as well as Leigh and Kinsley's. Go. Fuck. Yourself." I hand Nezther her phone and pull her off the chair. "We're leaving. Email us the pictures please, Russ. I'll pay for them all."

Nezther walks behind me slowly, looking at her feet with every step. "I loved him at one point." She says. I turn to look at her. "I gave him everything, he cheated on me and made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him. He ruined my trust and every ounce of love I had for him. I don't know what I did to make him hate me so much."

I bite my lip, staying about a foot away from her. "Some people need others to blame for their mistakes. You didn't do anything wrong, Nes."

Tears stream down her face as she stares at me. "What's next? We're going to have a big fight and get a divorce? Are you going to hate me then, too?" She sobs. I raise my eyebrows, challenging her to say more. "Is Gracie going to blame me for this bullshit when she's older? Are the kids going to hate me?"

I pull her into my chest. "Stop," I whisper, kissing her head repeatedly. "I will never hate you, Nezther. Do you know why?" She shakes her head against my chest. "Because you saved me. You helped me through the roughest part of my life, that's how special you are. You're my queen, Nessie. You're so special to me and I will always love you." I place a kiss on top of her head. "Always, baby, never forget that."

She tightens her arms around my waist. "Jace," she whimpers.

I nod, feeling myself get emotional now. "I know, Angel. I love you so, so, so, so much."

"I love you," she whispers.

When She Is No Longer Mine «Jason McCann & Justin Bieber»Where stories live. Discover now