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"Babe, can you go to the store for me? There's nothing in the fridge except milk and apple juice," I look over at Jason.

He nods, "yeah, you gonna come with?" I shake my head. "But we used to have grocery store dates all the time," he whines.

"I know, but that was before we had two newborn babies, Jace. We can't just leave Leigh and Kinsley with Jasper and the girls," I sigh heavily.

He rolls his eyes. "Fine," he walks to get his shoes.

"Jace," Kinsley stops him. "We can watch them," she says softly. "You two need sometime together, Nes," she looks at me. "It'll just be a little while. There's bottles in the fridge right?" I nod. "Then we'll be fine. Go have fun," she pushes me towards my fiancée.

"Are you sure?" I chew on my bottom lip.

"Of course, I'm sure. Just get me a coffee or something on your way home, please," she smiles.

I grab Jason's hand. He looks over at me, then down to the floor. He kneels down to the floor and grabs my shoes. "Thank you," I whisper as he slides my shoes on for me.

"You're welcome, baby. Let's go," he opens the door for me.

«» «» «»

"See? That was so much fun," Jason nudges my shoulder with his.

I smile, nodding in agreement. "It was," I open the trunk to get the groceries out.

"Can we talk about something before we go back in?" I just nod in response. "When– um... when do you get your stitches taken out?"

I stop looking through the bags and turn to face him. "On Thursday, why?"

He steps forward and wraps his arms around my waist. "I just– I miss how intimate we used to be, you know? Not even sex, just like... never mind," he sighs and pulls away from me.

I pull him back to me. "No, finish what you were going to say," I wrap my arms around his neck.

"When we used to sit in complete silence and I would just hold you and I'd kiss you and we'd watch movies and we–we..."

I cup his cheeks. "Okay, baby. Calm down, I know."

He frowns, burying his face in my neck. "I just miss us. And we don't even cuddle at night anymore," his bottom lip quivers.

I kiss his lips a few times. "Give it a little while, babe. We have two babies who don't sleep through the night yet. When they do, Jasper can stop sleeping in our room and we'll have time to ourselves, I promise."


"Shh," I rock Jenny side to side. "Everything's okay," I whisper to her.

Her wails die down after a few minutes. I smile down at her as she reaches for my nose. I feel two arms wrap around my waist as their chin rests on my shoulder. I continue moving slowly, humming a soft tune to hush the baby to sleep.

"I'm so sorry," Justin whispers in my ear. "I know you won't forgive me or accept my apology, but I want you to know I am sorry. I didn't even listen to you," he mumbles as I pull away. I turn to look at him, still swaying. "Look at you, you're like a natural mother," tears rush down his face. "It broke my heart when you said you didn't want to come home with me and I just wanted to break yours back."

I shrug, "it's done and it's over with. This is my home now, Justin. I have friends here, I have a job, I have a family. Go home," I start making my way up the stairs.

"I will," he follows me. "Can I just– can I have a kiss before I leave?"

I set Jenny in her crib. I turn to face Justin. I cup his face, making him lean into my touch. "No," I pull myself away from him and push passed him. I walk out into the hallway and into my room. Justin doesn't follow me, instead he walks down the stairs.

Leigh walks into my room. "Why was he crying?" She plops herself down on my bed.

"I'm sick of putting his needs before mine. He asked for a kiss before he leaves and I said no."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh? You might not see him for years," she furrows her eyebrows.

I shrug, "if I never see him again, it'll be too soon."

When She Is No Longer Mine «Jason McCann & Justin Bieber»Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin