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Sorry I didn't update last night, I was exhausted


"Okay, girls. I have to drop Jenny off at home and then I have to bring Gracie to the doctor. Sound like a plan?" I look at the twins in the rearview mirror.

They both nod. "Mommy, I wan' go," Jenny says as she looks out the window.

"You can't, sweetheart. You can go with Grace to every other doctor but not the heart doctor," I inform her gently.


"Stop!" Gracie shouts at her. "I only get to be alone wit' Mommy once a week! Let me alone!" She screams at her twin sister.

I bite my lip as Jenny starts crying. "G, apologize," I sigh heavily.

"No," she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yes! I's hate 'ou!" Jenny wails.

Gracie drops her stubborn look and replaces it with a sad one. "I know," she mumbles as she looks out the window.

I shake my head. A few minutes later I was setting Jenny in bed with Kinsley. "She is not to come out of here until I get back," I say sternly.

Kinsley just nods. Leigh walks in. "I heard you, Nes. I'll make sure of it."

I sigh in relief. "Thank you," I hug her tightly.

I walk downstairs and pick up Gracie off the couch. "Come on, baby."

She stares at the side of my face as I walk to the car. "I wove you, momma. Even if you don't wove me," she whispers as I place her in her car seat.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Of course, I love you, Flower. What makes you think I wouldn't?"


I roll my eyes. I kiss her forehead. "Mommy loves you so much, baby. Remember, you're Mommys little soldier, my little baby, and I love you, okay?"

"Does you wove Jenny?"

"Of course, I do, Grace. She's my daughter, too," I close the back door. I get in the front seat. "How about I get you some ice cream on the way home?" She just nods. "Okay, it's a date."

«» «» «»

I chew on my nails as the doctor comes over to me. "Is everything okay?"

He nods, looking down at the papers. "She has Arrhythmias. It's when the heart as an abnormal rhythm. Hers is slower so it's called bradycardia."

"Is there anything I should be aware of?"

"There is no treatment for how severe Grace's is. Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, and difficulty feeding are all symptoms to look out for during a flare up. I would watch and track how often they are."

"My poor baby," tears start building up in my eyes.

"There she is," he says as my daughter comes waddling out. "Just watch out for it. It might get worse as she gets older, but it also might get better."

I lift my daughter up into my arms. "I's ti'word," she leans her head on my shoulder.

I rub her back gently. "I know, babe. We can go home and take a nap."

"I's wan' foo'," she whines.

"You're hungry?" She nods. "Okay, we can get some food." I carry her out to the car.

"Wait!" She stops me from placing her in her seat. "I wan' 'ou hold me more," she wraps her arms around my neck.

I sit on the seat for a good ten minutes with my daughter. She keeps her head in my neck, her eyes closed. "Are you sleeping?" She shakes her head. "Can I put you down so we can go home?" She shakes her head again. "Gracie," I giggle, "we need to go home. Let's take a nap before Jasper comes home," I kiss her forehead.

"Mommy," she whimpers.

I place her in her car seat. "I know, baby. It'll only be a few minutes, I promise."

«» «» «»

"So she's been sleeping all day?"


"And so has Kinsley?"


"Where's Jenny?"

"Sleeping, but I'm not concerned with that right now."

Jason sits on the counter as I lean against the opposite. "So then what are you concerned with? Let's start there," he crosses his arms. I look down at my feet. He let's out a deep sigh. "I don't want to play the guessing game, Nezther. I'm tired, I'm worried about my daughter and Kinsley, I don't want to play around." 

I look up to his eyes, moving closer to him. I grab his hands and flip his arms over. "I don't want this to happen to Gracie," I kiss up his arm.

"I don't either," he pulls his arms away. "But we can't keep her and Jenny apart for the rest of their lives."

"No shit, but... Jenny needs to learn to stop. Do you know what happened today?" He shakes his head. "Jenny told Grace she hated her. Then a few minutes later, Grace said she loves me even if I don't love her. She thinks I don't love her. She thinks we don't love her, Jason. This needs to stop. Jenny needs a legit punishment."

He slides off the counter and pulls me into his arms. "We'll start putting her in timeout, okay? I'm sorry you're so stressed out lately."

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