Tried and Found Guilty

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Psalm 40:1-17

Love and Mercy come from a Loving Merciful God of JUSTICE! Human mercy is limited to legal rules, selfish attitudes and circumstances beyond human control; but God does not have these limitations. He has a way of reaching beyond feeble attempts and envelopes those we see as hopeless or impossible. He has given us the promise that if we live in Him, "All things are possible" to us! What a blessing from an All-knowing, All-caring, All-powerful God!

David began Psalm 40:1-3 with a reminder, (NKJV)-"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.." (but that 's not all) "He has put a song in my mouth-Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord." (Now there is a mouthful!) I realize I have used Psalm 40 in other studies as a side reference; but it bears repeating. There are several points I want us to consider. It is a report of deliverance from start to completion. Perhaps we should follow this pattern right now! How many times have you "waited patiently for the Lord"? Or did you take the situation into your own hands and then found defeat.

The first step is "waiting on the Lord," patiently! We used to sing a song in church,

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings as eagles;

They shall run and not grow weary,

They shall walk and not faint;

Teach me, Lord, Teach me, Lord, to wait!" We need to put it in practice!

The second step is to remember "He inclined" His ear to your cause and hears you. Yes, HE HEARS YOU! HE CARES! But this happens only if you are talking to Him about your situation! So speak up!

The third step is His alone and He never fails-"He also brought me out of the horrible pit." Yes, He can deliver you from the problems you bring to Him! "Out of the miry clay"! That is us; for we are but clay taken from the earth. He delivers us from ourselves and brings us to Himself.

The removal of ourselves as a hindrance, opens up the fourth step which again is His job alone! " He set my feet upon a rock (on solid, stable ground)." Guess who the Rock is? Yes, He takes us out of our own limited self and places us in the secure Rock, Christ Jesus. This is the promise to those who "wait patiently". Try it, you' like it!

Now step five is wholly ours as we are free of human limitations! He gives us a song to sing praises to Him. Our mouth is full of praise, not complaint! So open your mouth and sing!

(Read Psalms 30:5; 32:7; 33:3)

Now for step 6, which is definitely our responsibility. When others see God's work in us they will rejoice and trust God, too! We need to be a good reflection of our Father. Do you look like your Heavenly Father or resemble the father of lies and deceit, jealousy and selfishness. Take a good look in God's Heavenly Mirror, the Word of God!

(Read Psalms 34:8-"taste no see..."; 84:12; 27:5, 14; 25:5; 37:7; 3:8; 130:5-6; 69:2, 14).

Psalm 40:4-5 instructs the people to commit their lives to the Lord, (CEB)-"Those who put their trust in the Lord, who pay no attention to the proud or to those who follow lies, are truly happy. You, Lord my God! You've done so many things-Your wonderful deeds and Your plans for us-No one can compare with You! If I were to proclaim and talk about all of them, they would be too numerous to count!" (And I would run out of paper and ink if I tried to write them all down or out of energy if I tried to list them on my I-pad.). "So many things" is exactly what it means!

(Read Psalms 34:8; 84:12; 147:6; Job 9:10; Isaiah 55:8)

David was so overwhelmed with the unending deeds and plans God had for him that he began to confess his own feelings of worship toward God:

(TEV)-1. "You do not want sacrifices and offerings"; (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

2. "You do not ask for animals burned whole on the altar," (Hebrews 10:5-10)

3. "Or sacrifices to take away sins." (Hebrews 10:4-6)

4. Instead You have given me ears to hear You."

5. "And so I answered, 'Here I am;" (Romans 12:1-2)

6. "Your instructions for me are in the book of the law."

David conclude with:

7. "HOW I LOVE TO DO YOUR WILL, MY GOD." (John 4:34; 6:38)

8. "I keep Your teachings in my heart." (Remember John 4:34; Jeremiah31:33)

Then David followed the pattern of the first three verses of Psalm 40, his vow to praise God. (TLB)-"I have told everyone the Good News that You forgive people's sins. I have not been timid about it as You well know, O Lord. I have not kept this Good News hidden in my heart, but have proclaimed Your loving kindness and truth to all the congregation." (Wow! Fulfill this in your life and see the results! It will astound you!) God is as true as His Word and I can proclaim it. Please notice the I HAVE's in this section:

1. "I have told everyone..."

2. "I have not been timid..."

3. "I have not kept this...hidden..."

4. I "have proclaimed Your loving kindness and truth." (Psalm 22:22-25 includes this part of David's testimony, (NKJV)-"I will declare Your Name to my brethren; In the midst of the Assembly I will praise You...My praise shall be of You in the great assembly; I will pay my vows before those who fear Him."; 119:13; Acts 20:20, 27)

David was sure of God, but alarmed by what was happening. Verses 11-12 he poured out his concern, (CEB)-"So now You, Lord-don't hold back any of Your compassion from me, let your loyal love and faithfulness always protect me, because countless evils surround me. My wrongdoings have caught up with me-I can't see a thing! There's more of them than hairs on my head- my courage leaves me." (In Hebrew NKJV-"Your tender mercies" or CEB-"compassion", can also mean " the protection of the womb for the baby." God surrounds us as a mother's womb surrounds her unborn child! ( Psalm 5:3-4)

Then David went on in verse 13-14 to ask for deliverance, (NKJV)-"Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; (Psalm 70:). O Lord make haste to help me! Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion who seek to destroy my life; (Psalm 35:4, 27). Let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish me evil. (Psalm 70:2; 71:13). Let them be confounded because of their shame who say to me, 'Aha, Aha!" (Psalm 73:19; 35:15, 21). Some people believe if you are tormented by unbelievers you must have done something wrong or they would not bother you. This is not according to scripture as many Bible characters have proven. Sometimes it is because the tormentor feels guilty and take out their frustration on you. Real Christin believers pray and encourage, not tear down and destroy others.

We see David did in this Psalm what he always did. He brings us to the point of praise in the midst of trials and adversity: (Verses 16-17)

(TLB)-1. "But may the Joy of the Lord be given to everyone who loves Him and His Salvation."

2. "May they constantly explain, 'How great God is!"

3. "I am poor and weak, yet the Lord is thinking about me right now!"

4. "O God, You are my Helper."

5. "You are my Savior; come quickly and save me."

(Read psalm 70:4; 86-whole chapter; 1Peter 5:7-"Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you)

So why do I love Him so? Because He is full of JUSTICE and whosoever calls on Him He will answer. Regardless of my need He cares; even if you are abused or misunderstood. He is my security; nothing can get to me except through Christ Jesus, my Lord! He is my Joy! My Great Lord! He is my Helper! He thinks about me! He is my Savior! He is my JUSTICE against my accusers! Have you let Him be all this for You? If not, than call on Him, NOW!

What a beautiful God we serve!

Next time...

Psalms In My Palms - Book 3 - JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now