The End or Smooth As Butter

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Psalms 52:1-9; 55:1-23

I've combined these two Psalms because in both David is facing an enemy and he is trusting God as he cries out for help. He also realizes God's JUSTICE will bring deliverance to him and the same JUSTICE will punish those who fight against God's will! In Psalm 52 we find Doeg the Edomite spied on David when Elimelech, the priest, gave David provisions. When Doeg reported this back to Saul, he was ordered by Saul to kill the priest. Doeg killed 85 priests and their families. (The story is in 1Samuel 21:6-7; 22:9-21. Read it.). Betrayed by someone!

Psalm 55 also deals with David betrayed by his own son, Absolom, when he rebelled against this own father. (Read 2 Samuel 15:12-15 and see what David was up against). Now let's consider each Psalm verse by verse separately.

There are a list of accusations David brings against his enemy in Psalm 52:1-4:(TLB)-

1. "You call yourself a hero, do you?"

2. "You boast about this evil deed of yours against God's people."

3. "You are sharp as a tack in plotting your evil tricks."

4. " How you love wickedness-far more than good!"

5. "And lying more than truth!"

6. "You love to slander-"

7. "You love to say anything that will do harm."

8. "O man with the lying tongue."

David brings 8 charges against them which are very valid to God. Saul and Doeg both are guilty of all of these offenses.

Next comes the ultimate decision of the Judge as He renders His verdict. Verse 5 (CEB)-:

1. "But God take you down permanently;"

2. " He will snatch you up,"

3. "Tear you out of your tent,"

4. "And uproot you from the land of the living."

Sounds like a risky road to take. Nothing is progressive but all leads to destruction and an end to their ways and life; as well as emptiness! NKJV SAYS He will " uproot you from the land of the living."

NKJV also reflects on the strength of the people who have been the victims of these wicked escapades, "The righteous shall send fear." (This fear is a respect for God, a sense of awe by seeing His great demonstration of power over evil.) "And they shall laugh at him, saying 'Here is the man who did not make God his strength, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness." "What a futile way to live" is evident to all around . It's a dead-end street to try to escape God's Judgment on sin. (We should remember this. We are puny in comparison to God, our Creator! We would do well to follow His lead without rebellion.

David concludes this first Psalm with a confession of his own weakness. (TEV)-:

1. "But I am like an olive tree growing near the house of God;" (The green olive tree was a symbol of beauty.(Romans 11:16-24 uses it as one symbol of the Gentiles being grafted in; because the root is Jesus Christ and all who believe are the branches;)

2. "I trust in His constant love forever and forever." (Mercy in Hebrew is Loyal love, constant love)

3. "I will always thank you, God, for what You have done;" (Give thanks is the Hebrew word for Praise; Psalm 105:1-"O give thanks to the Lord...")

Psalms In My Palms - Book 3 - JusticeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat