You Tell Them, Judge!

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Psalm 50:1-23

"For God Himself is Judge"! God owns the earth and all that is in it. When we give to God we are just giving back what is already His Own! But let's see how David describes these facts. (CEB)-Psalm 50:1-3-"From the rising of the sun to where it sets, God, The Lord God, speaks, calling out to the earth." God calls from the area where the sun rises all the way to where it sets. Now wherever you are on earth, there is a rising sun and a setting sun, so therefore He envelopes the earth with His presence! Hallelujah! "From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines brightly." You see God is not way up there beyond the blue sky; but He is in the midst of His people. [(NKJV)-"Mighty One, God, and Lord."] God is not limited to time or space. He is everywhere. At one time, one third of the Triune God was on earth visible in bodily form as His Son, Jesus. (Isaiah 9:6-7). Zion is typical of the Lord's presence as this is where the earthly sanctuary was. So He comes in all His Glory, Beauty, and Majestic Presence. He shines out like a bright light. It is pretty hard to miss a well-lighted display of beauty! (Psalm 80:10).

"Our God is coming; He won't keep quiet. A devouring fire is before Him; a storm rages all around Him." He also has His own loud orchestration. Some refer to it as thunder, others to the sound of an earthquake. (Read Exodus19:16-20 to see how His arrival sounded to Israel). "He won't be quiet!" The fire is His as is the storm raging. Man not only brings out God's Love and Mercy but the wicked and disobedient person brings out His wrath and fury. (Read Numbers 11:1-2; 96-98; and note Psalm 97:3)

"He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may Judge His people, Gather My saints together with Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice. Let the heavens declare His righteousness for GOD HIMSELF IS JUDGE!" "He shall call"! Not anyone but the Judge Himself shall call! No greater power has any right! He is presiding as Judge now and forever; His word is final. So, He calls! He is the Judge of heaven as well as earth! (Psalm 75:5-NKJV-"But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and He exalts another."; Isaiah 1:2-"Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the Lord (the Judge) has spoken!"). When God speaks, we must obey and come to Him at His request. (He speaks-We obey! Any questions? I think not!).

So,"Gather My saints...". So "Rise up, O Judge of the earth"-Psalm 94:2a -(NKJV). We as believers who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior (since He made the final and everlasting sacrifice for all of us), are called first to stand before Him. (Deuteronomy 33:2-3-NKJV-"The Lord came from Sinai, and dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Param, and He came with 10,000's of His saints; From His right hand came a fiery law for them. YES, HE LOVES THE PEOPLE; ALL HIS SAINTS ARE IN YOUR HAND; THEY SIT DOWN AT YOUR FEET; EVERYONE RECEIVES YOUR WORDS.." ; Exodus 24:7b-"All that the Lord has said, We will do, and be obedient."). This would be a good prayer to God for all Christians today, "WE WILL DO ALL THAT THE LORD HAS SAID AND BE OBEDIENT". (Let's hear it again!). That is your covenant with God! A vow to keep, because He is JUSTICE!

Heaven is held accountable, too; as it declares His Righteousness. "FOR GOD HIMSELF IS JUDGE! ". (Psalm 97:6-"The mountains melt like wax at the Presence of the Lord, at the Presence of the Lord of the whole earth; Remember Psalm 75:7?). Even the elements are affected by His presence!!!

Knowing all this, let us "Listen, My people, I will now speak; Israel, I will now testify against you: (Here is the list rehearsal of evidence from the Judge.).

1. "I am God-Your God-(Exodus 20:2)

2. "I am not punishing you for your sacrifices."

3. "Or for your entirely burned offerings which are always before Me,"-(Jeremiah 7:22)

4. "I won't accept bulls from your house" -(Hosea 6:6)

5. "Or goats from your corrals"-(Psalm 69:30-31)

6. "Because every forest animal already belongs to Me-(Psalm 8:6-9)

7. "As do the cattle on a thousand hills."

8. "I know every mountain bird;"

9. "Even the insects of the field are mine."-(Exodus 8:16-24-plagues at His command)

10. "If I were hungry,I wouldn't tell you."-(God's hunger is not for food, but for people redeemed from sin.)

11. "Because the whole world and everything on it belongs to ME.-(Psalms 24:1-"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof;"; 8:4)

12. "Do I eat bull's meat?"

13. "Do I drink goat's blood?"

14. "Offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving!"-(Psalm 51:16-17)

15. "Fulfill the promises you made to the Most High!" -(Hebrews 13:15; Deuteronomy 23:21)

16. "Cry out to me when you are in trouble;"

17. "I will deliver you, then you will honor Me."-(Zechariah 13:9-"...I will say,'This is My people;' and each will say,'The Lord is my God.")

Now we know a lot about God; well, as much as He revealed about Himself to us! We know His Love, His mercy, His attitude toward us and we confess His position in our lives -HE IS MY JUSTICE! What a beautiful picture!

As a sharp contrast we see the future of those who defy God's laws and His Love. Now God is ready to lay out a list of reasonable accusations and conclusions concerning the judgment He must harshly bring to provide perfect JUSTICE! (John 3:16-21).

(TLB)-"But God says to evil men:"

1. "Recite My laws no longer,"

2. "And stop claiming My promises,"-(Romans 2:4)

3. "For you have refused My discipline,"

4. "Disregarding My Laws."-(Psalm 10:8)

5. "You see a thief and help him,"-(Romans 2:21)

6. "And spend your time with evil and immoral men"-(Romans 1:32)

7. "You curse and lie,"

8. "And vile language streams from your mouths"-(Psalm 52:2)

9. "You slander your own brother"-(1 Timothy 5:22)

10. " I remained silent-you thought I didn't care-"

Then The Judge concludes the list of offenses by saying, "But now your punishment has come and I list all the above charges against you." He desperately pleads with them to turn their lives over to Him or accept the sentence of Judgment. (TEV)-"Listen to this, You that ignore Me or I will destroy you;" (Job 8:13) "and there will be no one to save you."

In contrast He extends one last attempt at mercy when He says," Giving thanks is the sacrifice that honors Me, and I will surely save all who obey Me." His last attempt is to extend mercy to them! Without accepting it they are doomed eternally, (I cannot add anything to His Words for they are the Divine, Ultimate, Powerful Words of THE VOICE OF JUSTICE!

Next time...

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