Speak No Evil

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Psalm 109:1-31

Psalm 109 is a psalm of David on God's Vengeance on His enemies. Some dispute the necessity of this Psalm as they are dealing with only God's Love and do not recognize HIS JUSTICE. Wrong brings about punishment no matter how you look at it. Sin is dealt with by God but wrong deeds against the children of God requires HIS JUSTICE. (Psalm 35 carries a similar theme as Psalm 109-a cry for God's Vengeance: "Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay."-Romans 12:9; Isaiah 59:17-"...He put on a garment Of Vengeance..."; Deuteronomy 32:35-"...to Me belongs Vengeance..."). David is only stepping back and allowing God to control and mete out HIS JUSTICE. It is God's Love for those who listen to His Voice that equalizes GOD'S JUSTICE-DIVINE JUSTICE! This is not a human grudge of revenge in Psalm 109:4-5 as he said, "...even as I make a prayer for them . So they reward me with evil for good, and hatred for my love." David commits these ungodly to God's JUSTICE for their due reward! Remember David had opportunity to kill Saul but he did not because he knew God was the one who would revenge Him. David forgave and spared Saul's life. (1 Samuel 24-26). Jesus also urged His disciples to call down judgment on the cities who did not receive the Gospel. (Matthew 10:14); In 11:22, Jesus called down judgment; Paul also does in 1 Corinthians 16:22; Even the saints in heaven beseech God's Vengeance for those who killed the martyrs-(Revelations 6:9-10)

So David calls out for God's Vengeance-(NKJV)-"Do not keep silent, O God, of my praise! (Psalm 83:1). He goes on to say his enemies have gotten mouthy and don't stop. "For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have opened against me; they have spoken against me with a lying tongue." (Psalm 27:12). David has not done them any harm, yet they act like he has. "They have also surrounded me with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause." (The world's hate is listed in John 15:18-25-"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you...He who hates Me hates My Father also..." Read it!). David was concerned because hate for God's people reflects a hate for God also. David went on and said, "In return for my love they are my accusers, but I give myself to prayer. Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love." (I know I have repeated these verses.) David knew his prayer would accomplish God's Will. (Psalms 35:7, 12; 38:20; 1John 3:12).

David suggests punishment for his accusers in 109:6-15-(TLB):

1. "Show Him how it feels! Let lies be told about him, and bring him to court before an unfair judge." (Zechariah 3:1-5-Heaven's rebuke of Satan who stands by as accuser of the brethren, but God rebukes him and sends him out of court. Then God establishes HIS JUSTICE on the accused.)

2. "When his case is called for judgment, let him be pronounced guilty.

3. "Count his prayers as sins." (Proverbs 28:9 verifies this)

4. "Let his years be few and brief,". (Psalm 55:23)

5. "Let others step forward to replace him." (Acts 1:20 gives an account of Judas and his replacement.)

6. "May his children become fatherless". (Exodus 22:24)

7. "And his wife a widow." (Exodus 22:24).

8. "May he be evicted from the ruins of their home."

9. "May creditors seize his entire estate". (Job 5:3-5; 18:5-21)

10. "And may strangers take all he has earned."

11. "Let no one be kind to him;"

12. "Let no one pity his fatherless children. May they die."

13. "May his family name be blotted out in a single generation."

14. "Punish the sins of his father and mother. Don't overlook them." (Proverbs 10:7)

Thus David vented his feelings of disgrace and disappointment. This did not change his faith in God as he knew ultimately the JUSTICE WOULD BE IN GOD'S HANDS NOT IN HIS OWN, NO MATTER HOW HE FELT! David asks one last thing according to his understanding of Israel's history, " Think constantly about the evil he has done and cut off his name from the memory of man." (Job 18:17; Ecclesiastes 9:5; Deuteronomy 9:7)

The reason David said this was, (TEV)-"That man never thought of being kind; the poor, the needy, and the helpless he persecuted and killed." (Psalm 34:18). "He loved to curse- (so) may he be cursed! He hated to bless-(so) may no one bless him!" (Proverbs14:14). "He cursed as easily as he dressed himself; (so) may his curse soak into him like water, and soak into his bones like oil!" (Numbers 5:22). "May they cover him like clothes, and (so) be always around him like a belt." Then David concludes these suggestions with, "May this be how the Lord punishes my enemies, who say such terrible things against me!" (NKJV)-"Let this be the Lord's reward to my accusers, and to those who speak evil against my person." Since we are God's children, any lying accusations against us are aimed at God and serve as insults to God. Therefore He is the rewarded justly for such occurances! To God, they must answer, not to us!

(Sigh of Relief). David's plea is in Psalm 109:20-27 (TLB)-"But as for me, O Lord, deal with me as Your child, as one who bears Your Name! ". (Matthew 18:1-4). Then David lists the reasons he is calling on God: (admitting his own weaknesses)

1. "Because You are so kind, O Lord, deliver me." (Psalm 23:3-NKJV-"He restores my soul, He leads me in the path of righteousness for His Name's Sake.")

2, "I am slipping down-hill to death;". (Psalm 23:4-"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me."; Psalm 102:11)

3. "I am shaken off from life as easily as a man brushes a grasshopper from his arm." (Numbers 13:33)

4. "My knees are weak from fasting and I am skin and bones." (Hebrews 12:12-13)

5. "I am a symbol of failure to all mankind; When they see me they shake their heads." (Psalm 22:6-8; Matthew 27:39-40)

6. "Help me, O Lord, my God! Save me because YOU ARE LOVING AND KIND."


David knew as did Job that though he was in the right with God, he was not God and, therefore, God was his Judge as well as the evil man's Judge. (Read Job 40:6-14 and see what God says about JUSTICE.) DAVID said God's Way is:-(NKJV)-"Let them curse, (versus) but you bless; When they arise, let them be ashamed, (versus) but let your servant rejoice,". (Isaiah 65:13-14; 66:5-6). "Let My accused be clothed with shame and let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle." (Psalm 35:26)

In finality, David bursts into praise ( as I did when I read these words). (CEB)-"But I will give great thanks to the Lord with my mouth; among a great crowd I will praise God! (Psalm 35:18 which we have read previously -and Psalm 111:1). "Because God stands right next to the needy, to save them from any who would condemn them." (Psalm 16:8; 142:4-"...no one cares for my soul."). This is the worst part of the ungodly, not caring for the souls of others! Let us as Christians, Children of God, Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb through the Grace of God, never be guilty of not caring for the needy souls of others. David wrote this and we have read it and God's JUSTICE REQUIRES IT!

This Psalm has spoken to me! Let it speak to you as well!


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