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Things have been going well for Liam and Zayn. They text every day, they have "sleepovers", but not much sleeping is done.

Anyways, they're having a great time with each other, even though they haven't officially mated.

Which might be a problem, considering Liam is adored by many, and any alpha would do whatever it takes to have him.


Liam and Zayn were walking together through the park. Zayn had his arm wrapped around Liam's waist, and Liam had a permanent blush on his face.

Zayn whispered in Liam's ear, "You smell so good today baby, I don't think I'll be able to control myself all day."

Liam whimpered, but composed himself. He always melts under Zayn's touch, and his words make shivers run up and down Liam's spine.

Zayn smirked, because he knew the effect he had on Liam. But he wasn't lying when he said Liam smelled very good that day. And that just means that more alphas will try and claim him.

As if on cue, a random alpha popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey beautiful, how are you doing today?" The alpha smirked.

Liam being the oblivious little puppy he is replied with a blush on his face from the compliment.

"I'm okay, but um, who are you?"

"I am your soon-to-be alpha." The alpha winked at Liam.

That's what drew the line. Zayn growled loudly and Liam suppressed a moan. Zayn grabbed the alpha by the collar of his shirt and got up in his face.

"I know for a fact, that you are not trying to claim my omega."

The alpha just smirked, "I don't see a mate mark, so he's not yours."

Zayn closed his eyes and flared his nostrils out of anger. He let the alpha go, and the alpha continued to speak.

"Why don't we let the little omega choose who he wants, hmm?"

Liam looked up innocently at the mention of 'omega'. He heard the question, and it was obvious who he was going to pick. He walked up to Zayn and nuzzled his face into Zayn's chest.

Zayn smiled triumphantly at the gobsmacked alpha standing in front of him.

The alpha nobody ever got the name of scowled, "Whatever, I don't want a useless omega anyway."

Zayn carefully placed Liam next to him. He stalked up to the nameless alpha and punched him right in the nose. The alpha groaned and gripped his heavily bleeding nose.

Zayn picked up Liam and carried him away from the scene.


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