In Republic City

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Chapter 3: In Republic City

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or the Legend of Korra


Percy Pov:

For a while I could only see black. I couldn't feel anything, or smell anything, or hear anything. I couldn't even feel or see my body. It was just a senseless void. The only thought I had was,

'How did I even manage to get myself in this situation?' For some odd reason I couldn't remember what had happened before I got in this seemingly eternal imprisonment. I couldn't even remember what I was.

After what could be an hour, a day, a year or a century, I saw a dull glow in the center of my vision. Since this was the only light in the area, I naturally sorta drifted towards it. Soon this bright light was the only thing I could see. I suddenly felt a tugging sensation ripple through my now apparent body, and I was suddenly flipping around, gravity seemed to not be able to determine which way it should be pulling. I heard a loud BANG, and everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't take in all I saw at once. In front of me was a magnificent gleaming city There was many tall buildings, bridges, and old fashioned cars. There was tall mountains backing the city. Blimps in the air. Everything was moving, bustling along. A city that never sleeps. For some reason I felt a tug of familiarity, a homesickness for a life forgotten. On the water, there was a huge statue of a young kid, maybe thirteen or fourteen. He was bald and had arrow tattoos on his forehead. He had loose garb and a cape that was forever frozen flapping in the wind. He was holding a staff in front of him which had swirling symbols on them.

Some distance behind the statue, there was a white temple. It was too far away for me to make out the details, but I could tell it was a sacred place, but also a home.

I looked at where I was sitting. I was sitting on the green grass, and in front of me was a river, and a small bridge was going across it. There were colorful trees surrounding the area. This along with the chilly breeze proved that it was around autumn. There was a row of bushes next to me. It seemed that I was in a park in this city.

I sighed and let myself fall back onto the grass, observing the clouds. I closed my eyes and felt the wind stroke my face, and I heard the birds song. I gripped the grass below me, savoring my restored senses. I didn't wonder where I was, or how I got here, I was just living in the moment.

I heard rustling sounds in the bushes next to me, and immediately my eyes shot open, and i was on my feet. On instinct my hand went to my pocket, although there was nothing there. I felt vague disappointment.

Out of the bushes popped a middle aged man, with crazy gray hair which stuck up like a porcupine and a beard. He had rags as clothes and was missing a few teeth. He looked like he hadn't bathed in over a month. He energetically waved at me, wordlessly telling me that he was no threat. I hesitantly waved back at him. He lept out of the bush with a spring in his step and a wild look on his face. He sat down next to where I was standing. I sat down next to him. Immediately he turned to me and asked in a off-putting voice,

"Now where'd you come from my fine young chap?" I tried to remember where I came from, but the only thing that I had was the homesickness I felt when looking at the city. I shrugged and started picking at the grass,

"I dunno. From the city, I guess." He smiled and smacked his knee.

"Of course you're from the city, why would ya be here then? Na, I'm saying about how you popped in here like the air was spitting you out. You were sleeping for a few minutes. I poked at you with a stick, sorry 'bout that." he twirled a previously hidden stick in his hand. I just stared at him. Soon he started to shift uncomfortably, and tried to start up another conversation.

"So, do you visit here often?" I shrugged again and pulled the grass from the earth.

"No, I don't think so." The hobo's eyes lit up and he grinned wider, showing off his toothless mouth.

"Ahhh, so you're new 'round here. Well newcomer, greetings and salutations! Welcome to Republic City!"


A few days later:

Korra POV:

I gazed upon Republic City, trying to take in everything at once. Everything was moving along, so many tall buildings, bridges, and Satomobiles. Naga and I had just gotten off our little stowaway boat, and now we were standing on the docks, looking at our new home. I said to Naga, in an awestruck voice,

"Wow, look at this place! I've never seen so many Sato mobiles." I shifted my gaze to the Statue of the Legendary Avatar Aang. As I gazed upon his stoic looking face, and his majestic stature, I felt a prickling connection, a tingling sensation. I forced myself to tear my gaze away, and looked beyond at Air Temple Island.

"Air Temple Island, that's where Tenzin lives." I scratched the top of Naga's head and said to her,

"You ready for a little swim, girl?" Naga started sniffing the air, and suddenly she turned away from our destination, and took off into the city. I desperately tried to hang on as she threw me around. I yelled,
"OK, okay! Food first, then Air Temple." As she ran through the street, Satomobiles started swerving to get out of Naga's way. As I heard a crash from behind me, I turned around and winced at the damage left behind in Naga's wake. People started to yell at us, shaking their fists, telling me to watch where I was going. I tried to ease the uproar by replying in what I thought was a reassuring tone while we were rushing past,

"Whoops! Sorry 'bout that, 'scuse us! Coming through, heads up! Sorry, we're new in town!"

Finally, Naga started slowing down as we neared a food stand. He poked his head through the draped of the tent. As she was about to eat all the food in the tent, I said to her strictly,

"Naga, wait." She whimpered, I got off her, and rubbed my sore back. I walked to the front, and started eying the food hungrily, in a similar way to Naga. I picked up a greasy kebab and said to the shocked old lady in front,

"We'll take one of everything please." The old lady shook her head to wipe the expression from her face and said,

"That'll be 20 Yuans." The hope deflated inside of me as I remembered that I forgot to bring money. I smiled apologetically at the lady,

"Uhhh, I don't have any money?" An angry expression took over her features, and she snatched back the kebab I held and yelled in my face, spittle going everywhere,

"Then what good are you to me??!!" I walked away with a defeated posture over to Naga. She whined from hunger. I scratched her ears as we walked away,

"Don't worry girl. The city's huge! I bet we can find a place to rustle up something to eat."

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