Chapter 1

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Teams 7,8,9 and 10 were at the front gate of their village waiting for a certain blonde.

"Where is that Baka," Sakura said.

"I know right, we have been waiting for hours, he is later than Kakashi," Kiba said.

"Come on guys, he'll be here any minute so be patient," Kakashi said.

Soon in the distance they all saw the blonde with blue eyes and three whisker marks on both sides on his cheeks.

"Sorry I'm late," the blonde said.


For a quick second if you looked close into the boys eyes you could see he was frighten, but soon changed and he put on his fake grin scratching the back of his head laughing.

They all started walking through the forest. As everyone was talking to each other and Sakura and Ino yelling at each other over Sasuke, Naruto was in the back quietly looking at the scenery. He loved the forest, it always calms him down when his mask is about to break.

Yes you heard right, the whole loud, annoying, knucklehead​ed ninja thing is all an act. Naruto is actually a innocent, caring, shy, broken little boy. If the villagers find out how he really is, that would make them do even more harm to him, just to torture him.

He was happy to hear that they would be going on a camping trip, this means that he could escape the fox hunt, for now. He knows that the villagers will hurt him once he returns after the trip.

"Hey kit how are you doing," Karuma asked.

"I'm fine, Karuma-nee," Naruto said.

"I can't believe that you survive all these years of the village's bullshit, I always knew you were strong."

"Thank you, Karuma-nee, I'm turning 13 today, I still can't believe it and watch your language."

"Sorry, you better believe it kit and Happy Birthday."

"Thanks nee-chan," Naruto smiled a real smile to Karuma in his head.

"-UTO, -RUTO, NARUTO!!" Naruto was kicked out of his conversation with Karuma and looked towards the 11 Genin and their senseis staring at him.

"Sorry I wasn't listening, what were you saying," Naruto said smiling like an idiot.

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