Chapter 5

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Everyone was wondering what was taking Sasuke so long to come out of the tent. Kurenai soon came back with news from the Hokage.

"The Hokage said that it would be best to keep Naruto out of the village for a while," Kurenai said.

"But why," Neji asked.

"She told me the reason and she wanted me to tell you. It seems that all the villagers and the counsel in the village all hate Naruto." All Genin gasped as hey heard this, "The counsel made up a type of game for Naruto's birthday. Its called the fox hunt. Its when all the people who hate Naruto come together to beat the boy to the point were we is suppose to be dead. They would beat, cut, stab, and burn him alive." Everyone except for Sakura was in tears for what they just heard. They also thought about how they treated Naruto.

"Why did he keep up the fake smiles and stuff?" Hinata said between sobs.

"Well apparently it was to show the villagers that he was not weak. He knew that if he showed them his true personality, it would put him in even more danger than hr already was," Kurenai said. Then she noticed something Naruto and Sasuke are both missing. "Kakashi, where is Naruto and Sasuke?" She asked as she is about to have a panic attack.

"Their fine, they are in their tent, but we were wondering what was taking Sasuke so long to come out. Can you check on them," Kakashi said.

Kurenai nodded her head and made her way towards their tent. Once she open it, she sees Naruto sleeping with his arms wrapped around his neck while Sasuke is laying down next to him wide awake with his arms around his waist. She tried to keep herself from squealing at how cute Naruto looked sleeping cuddled up to Sasuke, but failed.

Everyone came running to what was going on and saw the two boys. Sakura was about to yell and wake up Naruto, but Sasuke beat her first.

"Kakashi, can you do something about this. He won't let go of me," Sasuke says. He not really irritated by having Naruto attached to him, actually he is quite happy. Sasuke has had a crush on Naruto ever since they had the accidental kiss in the classroom. Sasuke just feels like that if Naruto won't get off him soon, he doesn't know when he might attack, mostly since he is only wearing his shirt while he is naked under it.

Kakashi sighed and tried to get Naruto to let go. Again TRIED. Everyone tried their best to get Naruto off of Sasuke but nothing was working.

"What the hell, how does he have such a powerful grip," Kiba said between pants.

Sasuke sighed, he moved his hand up a bit, to where he was caressing his side. A small moan left Naruto's lips as he touched his side. Sasuke feels heat going to his face, but he also realized that Naruto loosed his grip a bit.

"Everyone," Sasuke said, "I want all of you to stay outside, zip up the tent, and don't open it until I tell you."

Everyone looked confused, but they did as told. They all backed up away from the tent, waiting for something to happen. All they heard was silence, until.


They heard someone moaning in the tent. Kakashi was about to check what the hell was going on in there, but Asume, Kurenai, and Gai held him back to keep him from opening the tent. The same with the other Genins, Kiba and Lee were holding Sakura back from having her try to kill Naruto. Like that's going to happen.

After ten minutes have passed, they heard silence. Soon the tent zipped open revealing Sasuke wearing one of his shirts and panting.

"Sasuke, what the hell did you do to Naruto," Kakashi said with venom.

"I didn't do anything to hurt him. All I did was got him to let go of my neck. Also Kakashi, can you explain this to us," Sasuke went back into the tent, only to come back out with a limping Naruto with FOX EARS AND NINE TAILS!!!

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