Chapter 8

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Everyone one has been walking non stop for four hours strait. Half of the Genins were dead tired and Sakura and Ino's whining didn't make it any better.

"Okay, how about we take a break here for a while and continue in an hour," Kakashi said.

A few of the Genins cheered as to hear they could rest. They sat in the grass as they looked up at the sky. Kiba, Shikamaru, and Choji talked to each other, same goes for Hinata with Ten Ten. While Shino talks to his bugs, Lee training with Gai sensei for good youth, Sakura and Ino attached to Sasuke's arms, and Naruto and Neji in the looking at the sky, silently listening to nature.

"Naruto," Neji called as he sit up from his spot.

"Yes, Neji-kun," Naruto says turning over to face Neji.

"What's the deal with the tails and ears?"

Everyone turned their eyes onto the two boys conversation.

"Yeah, its strange to see someone grow fox ears and a tail, nine to be exact," Kiba said.

"Um, w-well th-there's a r-reason f-for this and-" Naruto stuttered before Kiba interrupted him.


"DON'T YELL AT HIM, GIVE HIM TIME," Kurenai smacked Kiba on the back of his head. "Now Naruto, continue."

"All of you know something about the Kyubi attack, right?" Naruto said.

"Of course we do, the fourth Hokage killed it 13 years ago," Ino answered.

Naruto shook his head no, "He didn't kill it, it was completely made of chakra and chakra is like energy, it can't be created nor destroyed."

The Genins eyes widen to here Naruto say something smart for once, but Naruto was actually the smartest in the village, a prodigy.

"So what did he do to it then," Tenten asked.

"He sealed it in a small child, his child."

"Is the child still alive?" Shikamaru asked yawning.

"Yes, its still alive, but he has a horrible history," Naruto said keeping his tears in.

"What type of 'horrible history'," Neji asked.

"A history where he is hated. He gets beaten, by the village his father protected, everyday. His father wanted him to be know as a hero and be protected by the village, but they didn't keep their promise. The worst of it was when his birthday came around. The villagers would chase him, along with some ANBU, trapping him, beating him, cutting him, using him as their target practice, saying that its his fault that their loved one are dead, but he didn't do anything he was only a little boy. He couldn't have killed someone right after being born nor before he could have taken his first breath. The worst beating he had was when he was 3, on the day of his birthday, the counsel made a game for the villagers. Its called the fox hunt," Naruto's voice was betraying him as the tears started rolling down his eyes. "And during that time-"

"Naruto that's enough you don't have to finish," Asume said.

Naruto looked up to see everyone giving him looks as if they were going to break out in tears if he continued.

Naruto got up and wiped away his tears smiling, "So, do you have a guess who that little boy is?"

Hinata and Ten Ten, both ran up to Naruto to pull him into a full embrace. They were quietly sobbing on his shoulder as he hugs them back. All three of them fell to their knees as the tears fall out of their eyes.

After a few minutes of the heart warming embrace, they get up and wipe their tears away.

"Now because of the Kyubi being sealed in me, I have fox like features. Their cleverness and stealth, but with their mental features also comes with physical features. Agility, intense hearing, smell, taste, and sight. I also have the will of bringing out the foxes tails and ears, that help intensifies those features even more than what they were doing," Naruto says as he looks up at the sky.

"But why would you show your tail when you know it will bring you danger," Ten Ten asked.

"Its because of bringing out my tails and ears makes me feel safer. Safer than what the village was doing because they were failing. Failing the very Yondaime Hokage that believed in them to protect his son," Naruto said looking at everyone.

Everyone sat there in silence and once their hour was up, they started walking again going deeper into the forest.

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