Chapter 4

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The days at the office were boring. I sat in Michael's office the whole time. On Friday he let me watch them do a livestream. I got really bored until they started making me laugh. They're hilarious. Usually they are just really boring but on camera, it's just amazing. I didn't want to laugh too hard in case some of the boom mics picked up my voice. Before I knew Michael and I were driving to the mall. We both into the GAP and separated. I found a sweatshirt and two pairs of jeans. Michael didn't find anything so he just paid for my stuff. The clothing in American Eagle looked cute but all of it looked expensive. (Jeans for 50, get your shit together American Eagle) We decided to stop and get some lunch in the food court. This looked like a king's meal to me after eating orphanage food almost my whole life. Everything looked so good. Especially the pizza. Michael gave me a 20 and told me to get what I wanted. I headed straight over to the place with pizza after thanking him. I feel so happy being with him. He hasn't tried to give me up yet and he's actually trying to take care of me. Emily, at the office, always comes in with the best styles. I want to get clothes like hers but they look too expensive. I got my pizza and went over to the table Michael was at. I set down the change and looked at what he was having. Rice and meats and sausage. I guess he saw he staring at his food. "Its curry." I was still confused. "Indian food." He smiled at me as I sat down. The rest of the day was actually kind of fun. I bet he trusts me now since he let me go with a 20 dollar bill.

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