Chapter 5

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I spent all morning trying to figure out where my classes were. Michael even went around and helped me out. When we passed by those same cheerleaders they giggled. I hate all of this.

Chorus I
Broadcast/journalism I
Algebra I
Physics First

My schedule seemed pretty interesting. I stayed and talked to the choir teacher all of first block. "What kind of voice do you have?" He asked me. "I don't follow." "Are you a soprano or alto?" Michael had left me at this point because he had to go to work. "I still don't follow." I want to make good impressions on my teachers because I'm way behind in all of these classes. "Have you ever sang in a chorus before?" He asked. "No but sometimes I sing in the shower." He chuckled at my response. "Alright we're going to do some vocal warmups and see how well your voice is toned. Sing ze zay zo zah." He sang it himself as he played on the piano. I repeated him then he went up an octave. I kept doing that as he kept going up until I couldn't go any higher. "Alright you're a soprano. You can go ahead and sit right there in the front row until class starts." He pointed at a seat on the left side of the room. I did as he told me and sat quietly. "So where did you come from?" He asked me. "An orphanage." I mumbled. He didn't respond. The bell just rang and students started piling into the room. They were all loud. Most of them went to the other side of the room to grab folders. A girl sat down to the right of me and a guy on the left. The guy started talking to me. "Are you new here?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah." I mumbled. I want to make friends. "Well I'm Nate, and you are?" He kept smiling at me. "(Y/n)." I smiled back at him. "So are you a soprano or an alto." I asked him trying to seem smart about all of this but he just chuckled. "I'm a tenor." He pointed behind him to some guys. "Those are bass'." He pointed behind me. "You're in the soprano section." Then he pointed to the other side of the room. "Those are the altos. Soprano and altos are usually for girls and tenors and bass are usually for guys." I just nodded at him. "If you ever have a question about music, Nate is your guy." This kid behind Nate said. "Everyone goes to him for answers. I'm Matthew, by the way." The kid said. "Okay thanks." I mumbled. Nate was cute guy with black slick back hair. That class went by in a blur.

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