Chapter 6

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I headed up stairs after chorus was over. Broadcast was very a very dark room. Most kids were already sat down and talking. Lots of them were on their phones. I went to the back of the room to who seemed to be the teacher. "Are you Mr. Loudis?" I asked very awkwardly. "Yes, you must be (y/n). Welcome to broadcast class. I don't really have a speech today so once the announcements are over I can talk to you about this whole class. You can find a seat. Preferably in the front." He nodded me off to go to where the rest of the class was seated. I sat in the front across from this little blonde girl who was on her phone. "Hi." I whispered to get her attention. "Hey, are you new here?" She asked. "Yeah my name is (y/n). What's yours?" I asked. "Emme. Where did you transfer from?" She asked. "I didn't really transfer. I was home-schooled at an orphanage." I told her. She just nodded and smiled. Me. Loudis started talking to the class. "Alright, guys, today is the fifth day of the production cycle. You should be finishing up filming and starting on editing. No big speech today." He spoke to the entire class then left to his desk. "What does he mean by that?" I asked Emme. "This is a film class where you shoot and take some footage and edit it to make a video." Some guy came over to us as she finished talking. "Hey Caleb, this is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Caleb." He turned to look at me. "Nice to meet you. He shook my hand and sat down at the table. "She's an orphan and this is her first day here." Emme told him. Caleb looked at me and smiled. "Welcome. I'm a youtuber with currently over 2,000 subs." He bragged. I really wanted to brag about Michael so I did. "What a coincidence. The person who adopted me is a youtuber too. He currently has over three hundred thousand subs." His jaw dropped. "He works at this office thing and the person who employed him has over twelve million." His jaw dropped even further. "Wait really?" He became really skeptical. "Yeah," I said. "Prove it." He brought me over to an Apple computer by the green screen. I looked up michael's persona on YouTube and showed Caleb and Emme. "Dude, no way." Caleb seemed absolutely intrigued with this. I smiled at him. He turned to me and smiled back. Something clicked inside me that made me want to kiss him which was just a really weird feeling I had. What is wrong with me? "Oh he does minecraft? Lame." Caleb chuckled at it. "You know what's more lame? Having 2,000 subs." I laughed at myself for that. Mr. Loudis called me over and I didn't talk to Caleb or Emme after that.

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