Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Alex's boyfriend

"Is anyone sitting here?" A boy asks, pointing to the seat in front of me. I shake my head, and he sits there.

"You don't mind do you?" He asks.

"N-no it's fine," I say smiling. I would be lying if I said he wasn't good looking. So why would I object?

"Nice day today isn't it?" He asks and I laugh softly.

"Good way to start a conversation," I say back and he chuckles.

"I'm trying," the stranger says. "I'm Trevor, by the way." He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Alex," I say and take his hand to shake it.

"What is a pretty girl like you, doing here alone?"

And that's how our relationship started. My boyfriend of one year, Trevor, asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks after.

Two months ago, he moved away to continue his career. He's a fashion designer. Now before you judge or anything, no he's not gay. He likes clothes, and designs them. He's like Cinna from the Hunger Games.

The thing is though, he's back. No, not back, he's the wardrobe designer for this movie.


"I need something to wear!" Brianna exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"Go ask John," I say. She sighs.

"I don't wanna get up."

"Well you can't get dressed without getting up," I retort. She gets up and starts mumbling words.

When she gets back she has a weird look on her face.

"Alex you won't believe who the new designer is-"

"Hi Alex," a familiar voice says. I look up and am surprised as to who is in front of me.


"Hey," Trevor says and I smile.

"Trevor!" I stand up and run over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms go around my waist.

"Who's this?" I hear Logan ask from behind me. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and he wraps an arm around my waist.


"Her boyfriend," Trevor interrupts, glaring at Logan. "Who are you?"

"Her..friend," he says. Trevor nods and turns to me.

"I'm the new designer!" He exclaims and I smile.

"Good for you!" I say. "I knew you were going to go far with this career."

"She could do way better," I could've sworn I heard Logan mumble.

"Well he's hot, tall, and rich. He's perfect!" Brianna says and Trevor winks at her.

"So me?" Sam says cheekily and I roll my eyes.

"Anyways," Brianna says. "Trevor I need new clothes."

"Yeah, later I'm busy," he says and looks over at me.

"Like now," Brianna says getting mad. Oh shit, he made a mistake. He better not piss her off more. That's not a Bri you want to know.

"Hold on," he says frustrated, "Damn"

"No need to be a jackass," Sam says glaring at him. "C'mon Bri, I'll get you something to wear."

"Hey Babe," Trevor said, hooking an arm around my waist. I don't know why, but when he did that it felt uncomfortable. I mean, it shouldn't...right? He is my boyfriend is it suppose to feel this way?

"Hmm?" I said smiling at him. He leans forward and tries to put his lips on mine, but I quickly move my face to the side. Wait...why did I do that?

"Oooooh rejected," Brianna teased. I glare at her. She smiles innocently and walks back to the room with Dam.

I can't help but wonder why the heck I didn't let him kiss me. I mean, I wanted to...right?

I probably don't want to loose my first kiss right now...yeah that's it.

Even though we have dated for one year, I still haven't kissed him.

I look over at Logan and see him making weird he's... arguing with himself. He looks up at me and catches me staring. Oops.

He gives me a small smile, and I stick my tongue out at him.

I look away and back towards Trevor.

*Few minutes later when Brianna and Sam are back*

"So. Let's find you something to wear" Trevor said, leading us back to the wardrobe. I look up and see all kinds of beautiful clothing. Everything from dresses, to skirts, to fancy tops and skinny jeans.

Trevor picks out skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and a tank top..a revealing tank top.

"You can wear this," he said, smirking. Oh hell no, I'm not wearing that crap.

"She is not wearing that shit," I hear Logan say from behind me. Oh snap...curse words.

"And why not?" Trevor said, turning to Logan, getting all up in his face.

"And why not?"

"Because," Logan said walking closer to him. "It's way to revealing, and only sluts would wear that. And not a slut" Logan said, his face getting red from anger. Wow, overprotective friend much?

It's nice though, to have a friend who cares.

"Well," Trevor says coming over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. "She's my slut, so she can do whatever she wants."

That asshole.

I don't know what's up with Trevor. I mean, he wasn't like this before. He is way more...intimidating and has a bad attitude now. He never treated me like this before.

He definitely would not have called me a slut.

"Oh you've done it now," Logan said and goes all up in his face.

"Bring it," Trevor said and brings his fist up to punch Logan. He inches closer and brings his arm back and then slinging it forward with all of his might.

"Oh shit," Brianna mumbles under her breath.

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