Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Unexpected

The next day we have the last scene to film. I can't believe it's the last. After this we are going to either stay where we are, or find new movie parts.

I'm most likely staying where I am.

"I can't believe it was Steven who killed her the whole time-" I said, looking at Logan. I smile lightly to him. Even though we are distant we still have to work together. We just have to suck it up and act.

"I love you Liz," Logan interrupts me, taking my hands. "I just thought it was the best time to say it."

Tears start to well up in my eyes. I don't know if it's part of the acting, or if I'm actually going to cry.

"I...I love you too." Logan's smile goes bigger and his eyes brighten. He's a really good actor, wow.

"CUT!" John says. "That was amazing, guys! The only scene left is the kissing scene. Which is right after this, I just wanted to warn you guys."

Shit, I forgot about the kissing scene. I just expected there not to be one I guess

Who am I kidding? It's a movie of course there's going to be kissing!

"Are you okay with this?" Logan asks me, for the first time today talking to me not 'Liz'.

"I.." I don't exactly want to loose my first kiss this way. "I.."

And that's when I ran. I ran to the bathroom and out of the directing room place. I don't know why, but I just can't be in there.

I want to kiss Logan, I really do. I just want to kiss him and him like me. I don't want it to be some stage kiss. I want it to mean something.

You already know this, for I've said it 282929282 times.

I hear footsteps which makes me hide further in the bathroom stall. The door opens and the footsteps are louder. The person opens the stall from the far end, then keeps going down the line until it's the one next to me. I stand up on the toilet, so they don't see my feet. The stall then swings open and I'm caught.

"Alex.." I hear Logan say. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do, it's the fucking movie. I need to," I wipe my cheek. "That doesn't mean I want to loose it like this."

"I understand, I really do. You don't need to." He then takes my hands. "I can get a stunt double for you," he offers.

"But then I'll feel like I failed." Calling for a stunt double is pretty much saying 'you failed, we need someone else to do this' and I don't like the idea of that.

"Just because you don't want to loose your first kiss doesn't mean you failed," he said. I walked out of the stall and wash my hands. Ew, stall germs.

"I just...want the person to steal my first care, you know?" I blurt out. I can't believe I just admitted that.

All of a sudden, Logan comes up behind me and grabs my arm. He leads me to the side of the bathroom.

"I don't want it to be a meaningless stage kiss," I continue. He grabs both my hands. I want my first kiss to be not necessarily magical, but with someone who likes me and I like them.

"I do care about you, Alex," he says softly.

"Yeah I know, but I mean caring for someone like THAT-"

He stares straight into my eyes. His stare makes me move backwards a little, until my back hits the wall. He leans forward.

"I care about you like that," he whispers, one of his hands cupping my cheek. My breathing quickens. What is he doing?

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