Chapter One: Explanations

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"I'm what?" Harry looked wide-eyed at his godfather in disbelief.

"You've gone through a creature inheritance, Harry." Sirius held up a worn leather-bound book. "You're a Faelor. Um, you see, Harry, your mother, Lily, was one too. Nobody had told you yet because nobody other than James knew until it was too late. It's almost like a Veriae or a Veela, but there are a few key differences. You should probably read this book."

Harry, still trying to wrap his mind around the concept of not being human, tried to stand up before losing his balance due to his new ... accessories adorning his back and falling back onto his bed with a thud.

"I'll be just outside in the living room if you need me. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, it's a lot to take in. Sirus placed the book on Harry's bedside table, giving him a reassuring smile before leaving.

Harry, now even more confused than before, simply stared at the door. 'What?' He looked over at his calendar:

August 27.

His eyes widened, he had been asleep for over a month! 'What the bloody hell?' Even more upset now to find out that he had missed a month of break time, Harry decided to try and find out exactly what was going on. He reached over and picked up the book, gently rubbing his thumb across the golden lettering decorating the front cover.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

He opened the front page to see a curly message quilled into the thick parchment.

Dear Harry,
By the time you read this, I will likely already be gone. As you should have figured out by now, you are a Faelor as well, though a half-breed. I was a full blooded Faelor adopted into the Evans family when my parents died. Your father, James, was a human, but he was also my mate. You, my son, will have to find your mate or mates within a year of receiving your inheritance. A few other things need to be put into order as well. Read pages 345-394 in this book and then go to Gringotts. Ask for Griphook and tell him that Buckie sent you. He will instruct you further. Trust Bambi, Padfoot, Prags, and Moony only. You must not tell anyone else of your current state of being, especially not ALBUS DUMBLEDORE. Stay safe my child. I love you, always and forever.
~Your loving mother,

Harry didn't realize he was crying until tears blurred out some of the text below the message. "Mum..."

He closed the book and hugged it to his chest as if it was the only thing keeping him alive. He cried and cried until he had no tears left. He calmed himself down enough to reread the message.

Trust Bambi, Padfoot, Prangs, and Moony only.

What's wrong with trusting Dumbledore? And who are Bambi and Prangs? Harry decided that the matters could be questioned later as he was still a bit too shaken up to ponder it right now. He turned in the book to the first page his mother adressed.

Page 345

Faelor are a proud race of beings closely related to the common Veela and rare Veriae. They can have a wide range of colors adorning their wings, though the most common colors are grey, white, black, brown, and occasionally a mix of two or more. Most Faelor wings hide themselves shortly after reaching their inheritance. They will reapear as needed. Faelor are rather skilled with wand magic but are much stronger without a wand. Contrary to popular beliefs half-breeds are actually twice as strong as pure-blooded Faelor due to the mixing of not only creature magic, but wizard magic as well.

Harry looked at his back and noticed that in fact his wings were gone. He skipped to the page about mates.

Page 394

Faelor and their mates create the strongest bond in the history of magic when they link. Faelor are widely known for having up to five mates. More often than not, if more than one mates do occur they will be of creatures' blood as well. Faelor can find their mate(s) by their sense of smell, auras, or matching feather colouring (in the case of another Faelor). Although, if one mate or more are not of creature blood then it will be almost impossible to tell if they are mates without checking their aura. The noncreature mate will not have an automatic attraction to their mate unlike those of creature blood. If two Faelor were matched their feathers would be an exact match to the other's. If a Faelor's mate rejects them, they won't die like their cousin's the Veela and Veriae. They will however feel excruciatingly painful aches in the head and body. It is vital to stay within twenty feet of their mate at all times, otherwise, they will experience high levels of pain. Once they have been accepted by their mate they can form what's called the Soul Bond. This allows them to communicate through thoughts, heal each other, and always be able to find the other. Faelor and their mates also will no longer feel as great of pain when they are separated after a Soul Bond is formed.

Harry, deciding that he finally understood a little more now, carefully got up to go find and talk to Sirius and Remus before going to Gringotts.

He walked through the house for a few minutes until finding both Sirius and Remus on the couch looking through an old photo album. Harry walked over and saw a picture of all five childhood friends with their arms wrapped around each other, smiling and waving back up at him. Harry sat to the left of Remus, hugging him from the side, noticing a trail of dried tears across his cheek. Harry decided he'd ask his questions later, worried they'd be troublesome.

After a few minutes, Harry spoke up, quietly but surely. "I -uh- have to go to Gringotts now. I'll be back soon. I um, I love you guys," he stood up hugging them both before apparating to Diagon Alley directly infront of the wizarding bank. He took a deep breath, mustering up all of his courage possible, before opening the door and walking inside.

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