Chapter Three: Unlocking Powers

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The feeling of being watched was strange. Walking down Knockturn Alley was strange. Hell, everything about Harry's situation was strange. He trudged through the watery streets. His trousers' legs soaked at the ends. He was shivering from the rain, looking frantic to find the wand shop just for a little warmth.

After aimlessly walking for about an hour Harry finally saw a sign:

Drawona's Wands

Harry quickly ran inside, pleased at the home-like warmth that radiated throughout the building. Unlike Ollivanders' there wasn't shelf upon shelf of boxes of premade wands. No, instead there was simply a short counter with a chair on each side. Harry looked around, but he didn't see anyone. He cleared his voice so little nervous at first and called out,

"Ex-excuse me? I'm looking for Miss Drawona..." He trailed off as he heard rustling around in the back. Suddenly a middle-aged woman appeared, looking rather distraught.

"Who are you? Who sent you here? How did you find me? Did Abberforth set you up to this? Why-" her voice was getting more and more fearsome so Harry cut her off with the only sentence he could muster.

"I-I'm Buckie's son!?" Drawona stopped and looked over at the boy, a sickening almost sweet smile cutting through her features.

"Harry Potter... we meet at last. I was certain that my dear old friend Griphook would've forgotten about me." She gestured towards the chair on Harry's side of the table. "Come, sit down. You need a new wand don't you?" Harry nodded and sat down, nervously rubbing his palms on his trousers.

Drawona snapped her fingers and a row of different blocks of wood appeared in front of Harry. "Go on, touch them until you find the one that calls your soul." Slightly confused about what she meant, he reached out and touched the first block. Elm. The word was heard clearly in his head. He touched the next one. Spruce. He heard it again, noting that it was a different voice than the previous one. He looked around only to confirm that he and Drawona were the only ones there. He shook it off and continued through the pieces. Dark Oak. Maple. Fir. He felt nothing and heard nothing other than the names of each wood. He touched another one. Dark Yew. Dark Yew. He felt a strong wave of magic pass through him causing him to unknowingly grin.

"Dark Yew. Associated with dark magic and powerful wizards. Good choice. Now for a core." She snapped again and the wood disappeared and in its place were wand cores. "You may have more than one, so just wave your hand over all of them." He followed her instructions and waved his hand over the lot three times before two cores rose up, emanating a slight red glow. "Dragon Heartstring and Unicorn Hair.... interestingly powerful together." She snapped her fingers yet again and the two chosen cores alongside the Dark Yew rose up and glowed bright red before being fused together into a wand. "Now, I've put a glamour on this wand to look exactly like your first wand so as to not raise suspicion. Any questions?" He thought for a moment. "Why did they glow red?" Drawona smirked, "That means that your aura will be red. Now, I think your dear friends and Godfathers are worried about you. Why don't you be on your way home? Bye." Harry took his new wand and apparated home.


"Harry!" was all he heard before a bushy-haired Hermione tackled him into a huge hug. He glanced around and saw that some of the Weasleys were present as well. "Hey 'Mione, I can't really breath," she loosened her grip and looked at him. "Are you okay Harry? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah Mate, what's up with you?" Ron added.

"Hey, we heard-"

"That you've had a-"

"Creature Inheritance-"

"And we want to know-"

"Is it true?" Gred and Feorge asked the last part simultaneously.

Harry looked up at them. "Yeah, I have actually," Harry shifted nervously looking around for Remus and Sirius. Catching the look on his face, Hermione pointed him towards the library. He told her a quick thanks before walking over and entering.

"Sirius? Remus?" He looked around the book-filled the room, not seeing his godparents.

"We're in here, Prongslet!" Harry heard Sirius call out from behind a door he hadn't noticed until now.

Harry slowly opened the door and gasped in awe at the expansive room before him.

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