Chapter Five: Telling Secrets

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The three newfound mates walked downstairs hand in hand, Harry being in the middle of the twins. The first person that they saw on their mini trek to the dinning room was Remus. They were stopped in the middle of the hall by the werewolf standing directly in front of them, blocking their path. Remus cleared his throat.

"So...have you three discussed your situation yet?" For reasons unknown at the time to Harry, his eyes narrowed towards the twins as he asked.

"Well not entirely yet, we were going to talk more after dinner. " Fred looked surprisingly calm under Professor Lupin's steely glare.

"Very well then. Just be warned, George, two weeks..." George nodded in understanding while Harry stood very confused as to what just happened.

Without saying anything else, Remus ushered the three into the dinning room. They joined the rest of their friends and family at the table, getting more than enough strange glances. Most of which came, surprisingly, from Ron, Molly, and Arthur Weasley. The three boys still hadn't let go of each other's hands. Nobody spoke until the silence became unbearable for the usually loud Ron Weasley.

"Okay, what's going on here? We haven't seen you since you randomly passed out at you party, and then we finally come to visit and you pass out again. To add to that, now your holding hands with my brothers! What is up with you?" The red head stared accusingly at Harry.

He knew that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone and had to quickly formulate something to tell his desperate friend. Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously, releasing Fred's hand in the process, causing his mate to whimper quietly.

"I've recently had a creature inheritance, although we don't know what, and I have discovered that Fred and George are.... well....their my m-mates," Harry silently cursed at himself for stuttering. The Weasleys', with the obvious exception of Ginny and the twins, eyes grew to the size of saucers and their mouths hung open in shock. Arthur Weasley was the first to recover and speak.

"B-but Fred and George are creatures too! They-" he was cut off by a sharp gaze from the twins. Now it was Harry's turn to be shocked.

"Why didn't I know about this yet?" Harry tried to keep any anger out of his voice. He pulled his hand away from George as well now and crossed his arms over his chest.

"W-we promise-"

"We were g-going to tell you-"

"After d-dinner-"

"Really we w-were-"

"Please don't be mad at us!" They finished together in a rush. The twin pair of ocean blue eyes staring pleadingly at him was too much. Harry sighed.

"Promise to explain as soon as dinner is over?" They nodded vigorously. "Okay."

It was only now that the rest of the Weasleys came 'back to earth.' They silently stared blankly at their sons and brothers before rising from the table and leaving via floo powder, minus the three exceptions. The only ones left at the table now was Harry, Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus. They all solemnly finished their food, with the strange exception of Fred, before heading off to their respective quarters. The three mates were now all in Harry's room, cuddled in the bed as the twins explained.

"It was a full moon, you see, and I was trying to find some moon-ring orchards for a new taffy we were making in the forest on the edge of the Burrow. I wasn't thinking straight and I was attacked." Harry looked up at George with worried eyes. "I ended up getting away with just a scratch on my chest, but a scratch was all it took. Harry, I was attacked by a werewolf. That one scratch was enough to 'infect' me." Harry growled softly and wrapped his arms around George protectively, causing the older boy to chuckle. "Its fine, I'm right here. The only time you'll miss me is on full moons." Harry nodded and turned to look at his other mate.

"What about you?"

"I'm a Vampire," Fred replied with a cheeky grin. "A few nights after George's incident I went out to retrieve the plant he never got. Let's just say, we are never going into that forest ever again." Harry leaned up and kissed both of his mates softly.

" you need blood?" As if on cue Fred's stomach growled loudly. Harry chuckled, sat up with both of his mates, and stretched his neck out, seemingly inviting his vampire mate.

"Harry..." Fred practically purred his name before biting down softly into his submissive mate's neck.

To be honest, Harry expected it to hurt. Like, a lot. Instead it was the most pleasurable thing he had ever felt, causing him to moan out Fred's name. Seeing as he was practically balanced in between their laps, Harry could perfectly feel both of his dominants' hard-ons. George wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and turned the younger boy's head to the side, capturing his lips with his own. At this point Fred had stoped drinking from Harry and was instead biting and sucking on his neck and collarbone. Harry moaned multiple times but it was absorbed by George's mouth. Harry felt his jeans beginning to get really tight and his mates seemed to notice as well. As Fred began palming Harry through his pants the daek haired boy pulled away.

"Wait-stop. I don't want to do this," as he saw their hurt expressions he quickly added, "I-I mean I don't want to go any farther with out our other mate. It just seems so incomplete." The twins nodded in understanding and agreement.

"Your right Harry-"

"Maybe we should-"

"Wait for them-"

"It really wouldn't be fair-"

"Let's just go to bed now."

They all three came to an agreement and calmed themselves down enough before lying back down and drifting off to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day...

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