Chapter Nine: Getting to Know You

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"Draco? What the bloody hell's going on here?"

     It didn't take a genius to tell that Lucius Malfoy did not like what he was seeing at all. Draco was visably shaking, his breathing labored. It was obvious what was happing. The poor Slytherin began to hyperventilate slightly. The tension in the hallways was so tangible you could cut it with a knife. Lucius spoke again. Draco's breathe stuck in his throat.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're gay? I've been trying to set you up with the Parkison girl for five years!" Nobody moved, all frozen in fear at his icy tone. "If I had known....." it was at this point the world seemed to stop spinning, "I would've set you up with Zambini."

     The four mates stared at the blonde man in front of them in absolute confusion.

"What the-"

"Bloody hell-"

"Is fucking going-"

"On here!?"

     Lucius smiled, not smirked, actually smiled at the three boys surrounding his son. Draco's face was unreadable. At the moment he was just starring blankly at his father. About thirty seconds passed before Draco spoke up. It was quietly, almost a whisper.

"You don't hate me?"

    At first Lucius just looked at his son in shock and confusion before breaking out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Hate you? Good heavens no. Did you ever wonder why I always was so cruel to the Weasleys?"

"Sir," Harry interjected, "you've always called them 'muggle loving blood-traitors."

"That was only because in highschool me and Arthur," he looked at the twins, "your father, and I used to hangout alot. Then he found out that I was bisexual and I found out that he's a bigoted homophobic bastard." He paused momentarily, thinking deeply. "Actually, I can recall have quite the crush in the redhead at one point."

     At this it was too much for the twins to handle. They looked at Lucius, then each other, then at Lucius again before erupting in giggles and falling to their knees. They rolled around on the marble floor simply loosing their minds at the thought of Lucius making eyes at their father. Harry was standing with Draco watching their mates go crazy.

"So let me get this straight," Draco began hesitantly, "You don't care that I'm gay, you're bisexual, you had a crush on a Weasley, and you don't mind that my mates are Potter and the Weasley twins?"

"No, I don't care," Lucius chuckled, "Why would I?"

"You were kind of-"

"Teamed up with-"

"The 'Dark Lord' and-"

"A death eater." Looks like the twins caught their breaths.

"Not by choice. Half the time I was under imperius and the other I can't even remember because I was obliviated." Lucius stepped forward towards his son before kneeling down to eye level. "I don't care who you're with as long as you're happy."

"I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON!" Harry at this point was just looking back and fourth between everyone confused as ever.

They all laughed and the dark haired boys confusion. Fred and George put a hand each on his shoulder.

"Jeezus Harry-"

"You really need to-"

"Pay more attention."

"Yeah, maybe then-"

"You would've noticed-"

"How long we've all three-"

"Been crushing on you."

Harry's jaw dropped. He really did need to pay attention more. Maybe then he'd actually pass potions(probably not, but still, a guy could dream).

"Anyways," Draco added, blushing furiously due to the truthfulness of the twins remark, "to sum it up my father doesn't care that I'm gay and that my mates are you three because he couldn't control hating you and your families and he's bisexual."

Harry, understanding a little better now, simply nodded and stated a little guiltily because he almost forgot, "We um... we were supposed to go talk to McGonagall about twenty minutes ago...."

Lucius nodded in understanding. "It's fine I shall escort you four there and explain why it took as long as it did."

The mates rejoined hands and followed the D.A.D.A. professor throughout the corridors. Lucius looked around before muttering the password.

"Whizzing Fizzbies.

     The twins snickered to themselves as they made their way up the spiraling stone steps. When they walked in the Headmistress was nowhere to be seen so they all took seats and simply talked. They laughed and they joked for almost an hour. To say McGonagall was surprised when she walked in would be an understatement. Then again, she knew how Lucius really was. Why else would she have hired him? After talking over their situation with McGonagall, leaving out the creature situations, she decided that they would all room together in the room Harry and the twins were already staying in and that she'd change their schedules so that they had every period together.

Walking back towards the Great Hall for lunch was pleasant enough... minus the fact that the blonde had to keep up his reputation for the time being and was forcibly glaring at his mates. They all sat together at the end of the Slytherin table(the 'eighth years' could sit anywhere), much to Draco's delight, and were eating peacefully. Three were talking about class work while Harry was thinking about his godfather and Remus. Merlin, he missed them. I mean, yeah, Remus is a teacher at Hogwarts and he gets to visit Padfoot for holiday but still, he missed being able to sit and eat with them like fathers and son.

Harry realized that his mates were staring at him with grins on their faces. When he asked them why George pointed over his shoulder. Harry was elated when he saw the beetle-black eyes looking warmly at him.

"Hello cub! Did you miss me yet?"

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