Chapter Six: Homecoming

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Two hours. Two hours to go until Harry was home and back at the school he loved. The three mates currently shared a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. They had talked to Prof. McGonagall to get her to allow the twins to return with Harry on one condition: they had to take all of his classes aswell. All of the returning "8th years" were going to stay in the same dormitory. Harry was hoping that he wouldn't run into Malfoy. Even then, Malfoy was least of his worries. The one person he really didn't need to come face to face with is Proffesser Snape. At the end of the previous year Harry had found out some very deep secrets belonging to the proffesor, and he was in no hurry to face the old bat anytime soon.


The engine rumbled loudly as the train pulled into the Hogsmead station. A light drizzle of rain graced the small muggle-free town. The moon shone softly through the dark, calm clouds. Walking towards the thestral-drawn carriages together felt completely blissful to the three mates. Better yet, it was completely blissful. That is, until they realized that the last carriage available had the last person they wanted to see sitting in it. His usually slicked back locks fell in platinum waves over his down-turned forehead. As they took their places in the remaining three seats, leaving George and Harry next to each other with Fred across from George, a sudden cool breeze seemed to chill them to the bone.

The thestrals began walking and startled their blonde haired accompaniment to jolt his head up. He seemed surprised as if he only just noticed that the others were there. In fact, he mostlikley had just noticed. The boy had been too absorbed in his own thoughts and reflections. His silver eyes wearily locked on to Harry's emerald ones. Shivers rushed up both boys' spines. Harry saw so many emotions in the twin pools if what looked like fluid mercury: loss, sorrow, betrayal, and most of all, hatred. Hatred for himself. Hatred for what he had done - for what his family had done. Harry wanted desperately to hold him and comfort him, but before Harry could act the carriage reached the front gate. In the blink of an eye Draco had disappeared.

Trying to focas back on his surroundings, Harry stood from the worn leather seat and followed his mates to the doors. Wrapping their arms tightly around their sub, Fred and George began walking towards the Great Hall. As Fred began to say something he was interrupted by a hauntingly familiar drawl that echoed off of the empty hallways.

"Tell me Potter, why is it that you and your..." Snape paused for a moment to scan the positions of the twins' arms, causing them to drop their arms back to their sides, " 'friends' are not in the Great Hall already? One would think that Miss Granger and the other Weasly boy would be missing their friends, and brothers, wouldn't you?" The greasy haired bat of a professor gave them all a smack on the back of the head. Surprisingly, he didn't try to take any points away. Not that it would matter. The 'eighth' years technically are a temporary house all in their own so they can't gain or lose points.

The three boys nodded hurriedly and scampered off to the feast leaving the potions master alone in the echoing hallways as the sound of their frantic foot steps faded away.

As they entered the Great Hall the three mates noticed a few... peculiar changes. For starters there was an extra table for the 'eighth' years. Secondly, the enchanted ceiling was... well... not enchated. Lastly, it was quiet. Really quiet. It was never this quiet unless one of the professors were giving a speech, but that wasn't the case. Perhaps they were shocked that the 'golden boy' had come back another year. Maybe they were too busy grieving the recent loses. Or maybe, perchance, they were simlly all in shock that a certain blonde, known death eater had the audacity to acquire a job as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Probably a mix of all three.

Harry spotted his friends and walked over to the table and sat down, dragging the twins along. Ron looked up for a moment before moving to the other end of the relatively empty table. Hermione just shot him a look of remorse before softly smiling at Harry and the twins.

"Don't mind him. He's just still in a bit of shock," She grasped Harry's forearm reassuringly, "He'll come around eventually. I'm sure of it."

"Thanks Hermione. By the way, have you seen the new D.A.D.A. professor? Why would they allow him to teach here?" Harry gestured roughly towards the professors' table for emphasis.

"I don't know, he has done three months in Azkaban. Besides, maybe having Lucius Malfoy here won't be so bad, I mean, Draco's going to be under his father's supervision all year. Maybe he won't be as rude as he was previously."

"Yeah, maybe..."

Prof -sorry- Headmistress McGonagall stood up and walked over to the podium casting a quick 'sonorous' on her way.

"Welcome back students and staff. When Headmaster Dumbledore retired he left me in charge. In charge of the paperwork. In charge of the education of young witches and wizards. Most of all, in charge of taking care of every students' well being. I have always looked after every student as if they were my own and I'm not going to stop now. I believe that this year may be one of the best Hogwarts has ever seen. We have a returning class of last year's seventh years. As well as new first years that have already been sorted earlier. Returning seventh years, or if you'd like, 'eighth' years will be lead to your new dorms after the feast by Professor Lupin, our new Care for Magical Creatures professor," Harry grinned from ear to ear as Moony stood and waved out at them with a small half smile. "Anyways, enough of me talking. I know you're all ready to eat. So...let the feast begin!"

The food appeared and the hall burst into its usual chatter. Harry now had faith that if Headmistress McGonagall belived it would be a good year, then it would be...

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