Chapter Four: Incomplete

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The first thing Harry noticed was that wherever he was, he was really warm, and really comfortable. The second thing was that he smelled something really, really, good. It was like apples, cinnamon, and parchment. It could only be described as home. As he further came to his senses he could tell that he wasn't alone. His head was laying on someone's chest, rising and falling with their steady breathing, and someone else spooned Harry from behind. He felt so happy, and warm and loved. But then the exact matters of the situation hit him. He is cuddling with two people who's identities are unbeknownst to him. Oh my Merlin! Harry opened his eyes to be greeted with the sight of Fred Weasley's sleeping form beneath him. Harry could only guess if George was his other partner due to the fact that whenever he tried to turn and look their grip on him simply tightened. Harry sighed. At least he knew now that they were two of his mates, and from the looks of it, his dominate ones too. Where was everyone else though? Harry looked around to the best of his abilities realizing that they were in Regulus' old room. He closed his eyes deciding that he should probably get comfortable because the twins wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.


"Shhhh...You'll wake them up..." Ginny and Hermione were absolutely in awe at the sight of the three mates all cuddled up together sharing identical grins. "Sorry, they're just so adorable. Hurry and take the pictures."


"This is so weird, they're my brothers."


"Quick, let's go, I think Fred's waking up!"

Fred Weasley was indeed waking up. He shifted, turning to the side slightly, noting the added weight on his chest. He cracked his eyes just enough to spot an unruly head of dark hair resting on him. 'Who the bloody-' They shifted in their sleep, exposing a certain scar on their head. 'Harry?' Fred looked a little ways past Harry's head to spot another arm curled around the dark haired boy's waist. His eyes followed he arm to see his own twin brother. George seemed to be just awakening as well.

"Yawn... Oh, hey Freddy." George whispered to his obviously distraught brother.

"Hey? Hey? That's all? We are in a bed with Harry, together, and you say hey?"

"Well yeah, I found a paper in Harry's robe pockets, it said that we were his mates. Well, two of them."

"What? One: Why were you looking through his robes? Two: When were you looking through his robes? I can't remember anything after passing out in the living room. Three: Mates? And what do you mean, 'two of them'? He has more than two mates?"

"Chill out. I woke up a little while ago and I was bored. And yeah, he has three, including us, to be exact."

"Why are we cuddling though? Sure we're mates, but we only just found out."

"I said calm down. I know you've had a little crush on the boy since we went to the Quiddich World Cup, so why aren't you enjoying the moment?"

"Hey, you liked him to! And I-" Fred looked back down at Harry's sleeping form. "I...don't know, but now that you mention it..." Fred tilted his head down to press a gental kiss to the head of the sleeping boy. "This is kinda nice..."

"You know, it's probably time to wake him anyways. After all, he has to go to Hogwarts tomorrow." Fred looked absolutely put out by this news.

"Yeah, your right... go ahead, wake him up. I don't want to, his too adorable while he's sleeping."

George smirked, "Don't mind if I do." George leaned over and began lightly kissing Harry's neck, causing slight unconscious gasps to escape the younger boy's mouth. He rolled over, stirring awake, and cracked his eyes to look at George. The red head gasped. Harry's eyes were so bright, vibrant, and just so beautiful. He couldn't resist pulling the dark haired boy flush against him and capturing his lips with his own. Harry automatically kissed back, moaning softly into his mates mouth. A small whimper was heard from beside them. They broke apart to see Fred now sitting up and looking at Harry in want. The younger boy smiled lovingly at him before moving to kiss Fred aswell. George moved with him to begin ravishing Harry's neck with kisses. Once they all grew out of breath Harry finally drew back and spoke.

"Hi... mates?" Fred looked at his brother in question.

"That's what it said on that fancy paper of yours." George said, turning to pluck said paper off of the bedside table. Harry raised a single, slim brow in confusion.

"No it d-" his eyes widened. He looked at the paper closer to make certain he was seeing right.

Mates: Fred Weasley (dominant)/ George Weasley (dominant)/ Unknown(submissive)

"I guess it does say that...oh well."

There was a knock at the door.

"Fred, Harry, George? Dinner is ready if you're awake." Sirius' voice rang through the walls. They all looked at each other for a few seconds before the twins said simultaneously,

"'Beat ya' there!"

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