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"Can't sleep?" Jungkook speaks softly when the rustling sound of the bed sheets wouldn't stop. She turns around and smiles apologetically," Did I wake you up?"

"It's okay. Wanna watch a movie?" She nods with a tired smile. He ruffles her hair before taking her hand and brings her to the living room.


Jungkook was enjoying the movie when he felt weight on his left shoulder. He smiles down at his sleeping girlfriend. He was about to pick her up when he notices her stained sleeve.

Black and red.

He furrows his eyebrows, and pulls her sleeve up. His eyes widen at the sight of the now wet bandage. With his shaky hand, he reaches out to remove the bandage.

Immediately, a small gasp comes along with tears pouring out of his eyes.

The bitten area was already rotting, with blood oozing out. She slowly wakes up, and sees how Jungkook is crying.

"Oppa, what-" She stops, noticing the removed bandage in his hands. Her eyes widen, and she runs to the nearest room,

The store room.

After entering, she wastes no time to lock herself in the room, leaving Jungkook outside, banging desperately on the door.

"Jagi! Open the door! Please!" He sobs, his voice already hoarse. She's starting to cry as well, " I'm sorry, Jungkook oppa.. I'm so sorry.."

"We can sort this out, jagi! There has to be a way!" She knew jungkook isn't giving up, and she's happy. "You know nothing works, oppa. I'm not me anymore. I'm turning soon, you have to run."

Jungkook chocks on his own tears. He tries to knock the door down with all his strength, but he became weaker after crying so hard.

"Jagi, please! Just let me in!" 

She cries harder, looking at the now rotting flesh of her arm. She has no one to blame but herself. For being so stubborn. For being so careless. She hates herself for all of it.

Jungkook is still banging on the door weakly, but he stops when he hears a clicking sound.

A gun.

"No.. No jagi! No! Don't do it! Please! Don't leave me!" He starts shouting again, desperate.

"I'm sorry, oppa. Please survive, and live your life for me. You have to live, oppa. That's my last wish.

I love you. I really love you. A lot.


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