Chapter 28

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

It's been about 15 minutes since the game has started. It's still first inning but Marian is on their 2nd out. Their team is winning 3-0. They haven't scored a run yet surprisingly.

Logan shouts to me. I snap out of my thoughts as I see the ball coming my way. I back up, nearly tripping while catching it.

"Pass it hurry!"
He holds his hands out. I throw it to him. I watch as he throws it to the person standing at second base.

The person standing at second base tags the Marian boy out. I let out a deep sigh.

"Get on with it Quinn"
Joey tells me. I look over at him and nod.

Great way to nearly make them score a run.

"Inning two..."
I mumbled to myself.

"Eight to go"
Mark walked next to me.


It's currently the end of the fourth inning and we're losing by a couple points. Every time we end up catching up with them they hit a run. It was currently 19 - 18. I know we have another five innings but it's getting stressful.

We were currently switching positions again, and I was getting ready to bat this time. I didn't score a run last time but I did manage to get us a few points by hitting the ball.

"This is such a long game"
I sighed.
"Maybe we'll get rained out"
Mark shrugged, walking next to me. I looked up at the blue, sunny sky.

"Oh yeah"
I said sarcastically.

Brennen walks past me purposely bumping into me.

"Watch where you're going, dickhead"
I hissed.

"Sorry...didn't see you there"
He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Just ignore him"
Mark looked back at him.

We walked into the dugout. I grab Marks water and drank some of it.
"You mind?"
He tries grabbing it from me. I turn away from him taking my last sip. I hand it to him after wiping my wet lips.

"How do I know you don't have like a disease or herpes?"
"Okay first off...are you that stupid?"
I chuckled.
"I was being sarcastic"

"Look at whose pitching for you this inning..."
Colby put his hand on my shoulder and smirked while looking at the pitcher.
I rolled my eyes.

"You're batting after me. I hope you don't strike out or get tagged out"
He said giving my back a few hard pats before walking off.

I sighed as I looked at Weston. He was talking to Brennen and Luke before fifth inning started. He looked quite attractive today. I can't even imagine how many girls have been drooling over him.

I rest my back against the fence and cross my arms. I watch Colby walk to home base. He picks up the bat and gets in position.

"How much you wanna bet he'll strike out?"
Logan asks me.

"I don't think he'll strike out. He'll probably get a strike or two"
"How much you wanna bet?"
He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his brown hair. He hummed.

"That's nothing"
"Alright, $20"
He sighed. I grinned and held my hand out. He shook my hand, confirming our bet.

"So if he strikes out I get $20?"
"And if I say he gets a strike or two I get it"
"What if he doesn't?"
"Then we...owe each other $20?"
I shrugged. He laughed.

"Or we wait until the next time he bats"
"Oh good idea"
I feel my cheeks flush red from the stupid comment I made.

I watch as the ball gets thrown to Colby. He swings the bat, hitting the ball surprisingly.

"Dang it"
I hear Logan mutter.

I watch him sprint to first and then second base. He stops running. I let out a soft sigh.

"Uh oh...don't let us down Quinn"
I heard someone say.

They've been harassing me basically whenever it's my turn to bat.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards home base. I adjust my hat as I look at Weston. He was watching me. I couldn't help myself but flash a smirk at him as I picked up the bat. I stand in position. He backs up a little bit before whipping the ball. I swung the bat, hitting the ball. The bat makes a loud ding.

"Run Quinn!"
A voice that sounded like Joey or Mark shouted. I drop the bat and started running to first base. As I was running I looked to see if the people in the left field were running for it. I sprint to second base and I see Colby run to home. Before I knew it I was already half way to third base and I could hear some of the Marian boys yelling.

"Catch it you idiot!"
"Hurry up and pass!"
"She's almost there!"

I began running as fast as I could go home base. I turn back to see that the person at third base already had the ball and was getting ready to throw it.

"Go, go, go!"
My team was yelling.
"You're almost here go faster!"
I heard someone yell.
"C'mon you got this!"
Another person yelled.

Just before I got tagged my foot touched the base.

"Yes Quinn!"
Joey yelled.

I panted, breathing hard for air. The boys were cheering for me. They were giving me high fives and excitably jumping on me. Joey comes over to me and gives me a high five. I could hear my school cheering. My first and second goals were achieved- to hit a run and get our team in the lead.

"Good job kiddo"
He pats my back. I laugh slightly as he tips my hat down, covering my face. I took it off and ran my fingers through my hair.

I look over at Mark to see him smirking at me. I smiled at him.

Since my school sounds excited that we're in the lead, my third goal is to make sure we win.

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