Why i write

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Honestly when I write I don't really think about what's going on around me more so of what I'm thinking about. Some of my writing is gonna be deep and depressing and others will be weird and unorganized. I think that's just part of being an author though. I wouldn't really call myself that though. I would call my self an artist of sorts. I very much enjoy music and making music such as playing a piano. And writing poems and music comes as a natural instinct that I can't seem to control. I find myself subconsciously writing in my notebook almost every class. Maybe I'll make another book about my notebook. I could go anywhere with it. That's why I write really. The freedom of being able to create my own reality and make my own decisions. I decide what happens in my writing, and I don't think I would accept a writing with my name if it if I didn't make it in my image.

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