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The first time I had pondered love, I believed it to be the greatest happiness one could endure. There was a girl I knew once. She was an amazing sight to behold. She had everything. A heart the size of the moon. And a brain that met no bounds. She was truly beautiful. I had cherished every sight of her i could come across. One day she started to take notice of me, and that alone made me very happy. We became very good friends, and I even took to calling her my little sister. I vowed to be there for her through anything, but it wasn't always so simple. I'm a boy after all. I don't really want to get into the details so I'll spare the specifics, but the point I came to learn from her is that you truly never know how much someone can mean to you until they are gone. I thank her in silence for teaching me such an important message. Unfortunately she will never know that I do.

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