Love is overrated

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Love isn't ideal. Love and pain go hand and hand. I love my family but they hurt me so, and I know I do the same to them. I used to love many people. Just as they loved me, we all hurt each other. Friendships bonded by love are broken by simple ideas. A bond lasting 100 years is easily shattered by a mutual taste in a single person. Love is fragile. Love can only exist inside hate. In the story of Romeo and Juliette hate did indeed stop love. The hatred between two families sparked a single match of love between the two, but hate was sure to come. Bloodshed had swept over the two families like a plague, and it would not end soon. As Romeo and Juliette fell deeper in love the families opted to kill the other. Even the prince's family was denied immunity. Eventually the love itself died with two innocent humans as its vector. Love is not bound, and love is very optional. There is a constant decision that has to be made while in love, and that is the decision of bringing happiness or being happy. Often it is said that if you are in love then you share emotions. This is false. In most cases a sacrifice is made in order to being one happiness. With this logic love isn't seen as mutually beneficial, but as parasitic. I blame not men nor women. I simply blame humans. I blame myself as I have torn down all that I held dear to see others smile. I seem to be selfish and inconsiderate For not feeling love for every human. I do love humans. But I hate the common concept of love. Love to me requires no change. In my eyes I don't want you to change for me if I love you. It's simple. If I care about you it's because of who you are not what you do for me. You can't base love off of material objects such as money or words. You can only base love off of time, and behavior. Gifts are cute but worthless. Poems are original but very easy to create. How do you expect to prove that you love me if you spend the money you can make in a day, or if you write a poem with the same words you can use to form a sentence. To prove love is to be at an understanding. An unspoken, mental understanding. The expression of fear. The point at which you can feel the fear of the one you love. It's a constant fear. A fear that can make a grown man shiver. A fear worse than that of murder. The point of love is reached by a single glance. But I'm that one glance you can understand more than any sentence they have ever spoken. The fear of loss.

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