"New me"

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It's getting to the time of year that everyone gets excited about how much they've changed. It's interesting how much people change, and how little they realize it. All I hear anymore is " I've changed." And "you wouldn't even recognize me ". It's crazy for people to acknowledge that change anymore. The entire makeup of how I am is one bundle of change. I have never done anything the same in my life. Every time I watch a movie I change. Every time I watch a show I change. After every class I school I leave different than I was before. I barley even have to pay attention in class and I change on my own. Just because of what I think about in my free time I may completely change my beliefs system like I have before. So why is it that humans acknowledge their change so little. Because humans are self centered, and as self centered beings, humans only understand the change that they force themselves to go through. When a smoker makes themselves stop smoking they will acknowledge it as a change, but when someone suddenly gains the habit of popping their knuckles one knuckle at a time they will see it as a change. They will think that they have always been that way. Even I do not know when I started popping my knuckles, and I to figured I had always done it. Humans are the most impressionable beings because we have the ability to think and mimic all other animals. We mimic whales and gorillas in attempts to joke, but that ability gives us the power to change constantly. We mimic to form habits subconsciously. That is the soul reason why we change so much. It is in our DNA to change constantly. Humans should understand that without the constant change in our behavior we can't progress. So why is it so difficult for a person to understand that they are always changing. I, for one, adore change. I see the changes that I pick up as opportunities to reinvent myself and see life from a different angle. It helps to make my own decisions of right and wrong by allowing me to see all the changes in how I've thought before and see what I really believe to be right regardless of rules or laws, because I believe that rules and laws are a guideline to keep people from doing things simply because they can.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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