Chapter 6 - Landry's hangout spot

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Ricky's P.O.V.

The school day went and now it was finally over. I walked towards Landry's locker to meet up with her as she'd tell me about Lauren's disapperence after school. Just as I arrived, she  where already standing there, shoving her books into her locker.

"Hey, you ready to tell me more about the disapperence?" I said as I leaned against the locker on the side of her locker.

"Yeah let's go!" She said as she closed her locker.

In that moment three girls walked over to us, one of them walking infront of the others and obviously was the leader.

"Hey Laundry, I see that you're trying to become friends with the new kid" The leader, a tall blonde girl said.

"Hello you too Grace" Landry said and glared at the girl.

"Your name is Kevin right? If you don't want to become an outcast I'd suggest you to not hang with her. To be honest, you're kind of cute. I'd love to show you around the town, what do you say?" The girl who's name was Grace said.

"Yeah that's my name and I...." I began.

"He's not interested Grace. I've already offered to show him around and that's what we're about to do so bye" Landry interrupted and said.

"Really? So what are you going to show him? Pop's, because that's where you always hangs out all by yourself? Take my advice Kevin and don't go there. It's the most disgusting Diner ever. There are much nicer restaurants here such as Divinas. The food there is magnificent and it's the only restaurant we have here in this small town that's not trashy and instead has some class." Grace said.

"Just leave Grace! Kevin is not interested in bitches like you" Landry said and gave Grace a glare.

"Fine, Kevin if you get tired of little miss loser over here, then give me a call" Grace said and winked as she slipped a note into my hand.

"Let's go girls!" She said and walked away with her two friends.

I looked at the paper and then over at Landry who where being quiet.

"Do you want to go?" I said.

"Yeah, what even was that note about?" She said.

I opened it up to see a phone number.

"She gave me her phone number" I said.

"Typical Grace, trying to get together every single boy she sees and changes boyfriends every single week" She said.

"So she's the most popular girl here?" I said.

"Yep..." She said.

"I hate girls like her. They are so annoying and stuck up. Always on a diet and is obsessed with how they look. Sorry Grace but I won't ever call you. You're not my type of girl" I said as I torn the paper with her number in many pieces and let them fall down to the floor.

Landry chuckled and I gave her a smile.

"I agree, she's so annoying and for some reason she hates me and always calls me Laundry. Anyways can we go now? I don't like staying in school longer than I have too." She said.

"Yeah of course, let's get out of here" I said.

We walked out from the school building and started to walk down the street.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"I thought we could go to Pop's. It's this really cool diner and they have the most amazing milkshakes, pancakes, burgers, you name. It's nothing like Grace discribed it. It's retro but cool and I love it there. It was mine and Lauren's favourite spot to hang out at" She said and smiled.

"Yeah sure, it sounds like an amazing place" I said and smiled back.

We walked for about 20 minutes before we reached Pop's. I followed Landry inside and was met by this super cool diner. The girl behind the counter, who looked like she was in her mid 20's, immidiately recognized Landry.

"Hi Landry, what's up?" She said and smiled.

"Hi Lola, I'm just showing Kevin here around. He's in new in town" Landry said and smiled.

"Nice, so what can I get you?" The Lola girl said.

"I'll take a milkshake please, my regular one" Landry said.

Lola nodded and turned to me.

"What about you? What can I get you?" She said.

"Uhm, I'll take the same as Landry" I said.

Lola nodded again and I followed Landry to a booth. We sat down across eachother and I smiled widely.

"This place is so cool, I already love it!" I said.

"I know right. It's awesome and Pop who owns it is awesome and Lola who took our orders is his daughter. She's 25 and so cool. She loves to speak with me and Lauren." She said and smiled.

"Seems like you two hung out here a lot huh?" I said.

"We did, like every second we wasn't at home or at school" She said and smiled.

In that moment Lola came over to us.

"Two double chocolate and oreo milkshakes" she said and placed them infront of us.

"Thanks Lola" Landry said and smiled as she took a sip of hers.

"Thanks" I said and smiled at Lola.

She smiled back and then walked away. I took a sip of my milkshake and what I tasted was like heaven.

"Oh my gosh, this is the most delicious milkshake I have ever tasted!" I said.

"It's the best!" Landry said and chuckled.

I smiled and took another sip. This town might be small but it sure knows how to make the most perfect milkshakes.


Before anyone points it out, yes I got Pop's from Riverdale 😉 I wanted a diner and was to lazy to come up with a name and since I'm a huge fan of Riverdale, Pop's was the first that came up in my mind 😜

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