Speed O' Sound Sonic x Baby Reader Peek-A-Boo

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"Inai, Iani... Baa~!" Sonic tore his hands away from his face, his expression void of vibrant emotion as he stared down at the tiny being with expectant eyes.
"Aaaaah~!" You cooed out happily, giggling cheerfully as Sonic gave a small smile at your happiness.
"You'll laugh at anything won't you?" He asked, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.
He looked out at the serene scene of the park and watched as people passed you and him, flashing him smile of adoration.
Who wouldn't find a seemingly single dad with his baby girl out in the park adorable?
You waved your hands up at the trees, watching gleefully as leaves were swiped from their branches by a gentle breeze.
Looking back at Sonic, you smiled again, showing off your two, newly-grown baby teeth. "Baaa~!" You cheered out, mimicking the sound that Sonic had made earlier.
Sonic gave a small smile and covered his face with his hands again, "Get ready... Inai, inai... Baa~!" Sonic couldn't stop himself and added his signature smile to the mix.
You seemed startled at the new change of the simple game. Sonic could feel the sweat forming on his forehead. Once you started crying, it was hard to say when you'd stop. "Baaaaa~!"
You cheered out that one sound with happiness and Sonic gave out a sigh of relief. He gave a genuine smile and got your bottle ready, picking you up with one hand and cradling you, offering the bottle to you.
You quickly took the offer and sucked the nipple of the bottle with content, staring into Sonic's grey eyes. Sleep was starting to fall upon as your stomach was filled with warm milk.
Sonic sighed and put you into your stroller, getting all his things and strolling away with you.
This isn't that good in my opinion, I'm going to keep going with these one-shots though, tell me what you guys want. I can give it to you. Bye~!

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