Mumen Rider x Baby Reader Shhh~

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"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Your ballistic cries only increased in volume as you voiced your opinion about your mother's mothering skills.
Your mother had stray strands of hair sticking out random directions from all the stress as she tried to quiet you down, bouncing you in her arms softly.
That didn't seem to work too well, as you kept your volume the same.
Many huffs of disappointment could be heard by the many people on the bus that you were both riding to the park.
She believed that some fresh air would help clear out your sinuses. Your stuffy, sore nose had been bothering you so much.
As you went up an octave higher, a certain C Class Hero sighed and walked up to you and your mother.
Your mother looked up at the approaching figure and smiled softly, "Mumen Rider, how are you today?" She asked tiredly, her eyes having noticeable black lines underneath them.
"Fine, thank you." He spared a glance at you as you continued to scream your lungs out. Moment Rider gestured to your kicking body, "May I?" He asked.
Your mother seemed surprised and nodded uncertainly, "I doubt that you can calm her down." She said and easily handed you over to the hero.
Moment Rider slowly sat down next to your mother and held you to where you looked over his shoulder. He slowly rocked you in circling motions, looking quite silly as he did so, but he didn't care, getting you and your mother happy was the first priority.
You cried out in unhappiness and suddenly toned down as you felt the circling motions and the gentle hand on your back and diapered bottom.
It definitely felt better than whatever the hell your mom was doing.
You hated being cradled, this was much better.
Your crying came to a complete stop as you allowed yourself to relax and cooed out in satisfaction and drifted into sleep.
Your mother felt her jaw fall open. You fell asleep in under five minutes, in the arms of a stranger!
She's have to try the hero's technique more often since you seemed to have taken a liking to it.
She smiled at Mumen Rider as she took you back in her arms and held you with your head on her shoulder. "Thank you, Mumen Rider, you're a true hero." She said and he nodded.
"Just helping a woman and her baby. No need to thank me. I've got to go now." He said as he saw that he'd come to his stop. He quickly walked off, giving your mother a quick wave goodbye.
Why was he riding the bus if he rides a bike?
Well, for your information, his bike got run over by a car driver who wasn't paying attention, thank you very much!
There you go guys! This took me forever to type! I hate tying on a phone!
Anyways, requests are open, if you want something done, I'll get it done. I've run out of ideas for now!
I also want to thank you guys! Over 400 reads?! THANK YOU! Don't stop your reading now!

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