Chapter 3

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He was gone. Chanyeol took the morning flight to France without even having breakfast. He had instructed Kyungsoo and Jongdae to take good care of him while he was gone. Work in the cafe was as per normal. Baekhyun was especially quiet ever since Chanyeol left. The same cycle repeated for a week before something spiced up their lives.

On Friday morning, the cafe opened as usual. Every staff members got ready to serve the streaming customers. Baekhyun was again instructed to the counter. By afternoon, the cafe was streaming with customers wanting a light snack.

"Thank you for coming," Baekhyun bowed as the customer left. The next in line came forward but did not say a word.

"May I have your orders, please?" Baekhyun said while looking up. He froze and gasped.

"Hello, Baekhyun," the man smiled softly.

"Yi-Yifan hyung.." Baekhyun stammered.

"Yifan?" Minseok came over to them.

"It has been a long time, Minseok hyung," Yifan smiled.

"May I have your orders?" Baekhyun asked again.

"I would like a Mocha Frappé please, thank you," Yifan answered.

Yifan watched Baekhyun preparing his drink, smiling the entire time. Baekhyun handed the drink to him and collected the money.

"I came to have a chat with you, would you mind?"

"I don't..But our lunch break will be soon. You can wait till then if you are not rushing for time," Baekhyun said.

"I'll see you then," Yifan said and left to find a seat.

Minseok stared at Yifan, frowning. Why did he suddenly appeared?


Lunch break arrived and Minseok allowed Baekhyun to have a quick chat with Yifan. Jongdae and Kyungsoo watched them quietly too. Baekhyun sat opposite him, unable to form words. He did not have anything to talk about.

"How long had it been? 3 years?" Yifan asked.

"I suppose," Baekhyun mumbled.

"I see that you are married," Yifan motioned to the engagement ring on Baekhyun's ring finger. 

Baekhyun stole a glance at it and nodded.

"To Chanyeol?"

Baekhyun nodded again.

"You are unusually quiet. The Baekhyun I remember would always be enthusiastic."

"That's in the past."

"That's right. You've changed. Isn't Chanyeol being good to you?"

"He is very kind. Unlike you. You and Zitao must be happy together too, right?"

"Are you angry?" Yifan smirked.

"I rather not spent my future with you," Baekhyun replied. "If you don't have anything to say, please don't disrupt me working." He stood up.

"I still have feelings for you and I won't give up."

"Don't be a jerk to Zitao like how you were one to me. Please leave the cafe, we are closed right now."

Baekhyun went off to the staff room quickly. Minseok closed the door behind him. The four were together in the room, eating lunch.

"How did it go?" Jongdae asked.

"He said that he still hadn't given up on me," Baekhyun said.

"I can't believe it. Even when he had Zitao, he still wants to cheat on him," Kyungsoo scoffed.

"He's a complete idiot!" Baekhyun said.

"Calm down, Baekhyun. He is not worth your energy. Come and eat lunch with us," Minseok handed his styrofoam box.

Baekhyun mouthed 'Thank you' to him before he started eating. Everyone knew about Yifan. He was Baekhyun's ex-boyfriend. They broke up when they found Yifan cheating on him for Zitao, a famous model in China. Chanyeol was the one who comforted Baekhyun and helped him found back the confidence of loving someone again. Now that he was here, Baekhyun had to be extra careful not to fall victim to Yifan's sly acts again. Everyone finshed their lunch quickly and prepared to work again. Just as Baekhyun stood up, he felt a sudden wave of dizziness and pain spiked in his head. It was so sudden that he fell over. Luckily, Kyungsoo noticed and grabbed him before he hit the ground.

"Hyung! Are you okay?" Kyungsoo cried out.

"Y-Yes," Baekhyun mumbled, holding his head as the world spun.

"What happened?" Jongdae asked, Minseok also rushed over.

Finally, the dizziness stopped and Baekhyun found his balance. He detached himself from Kyungsoo's embrace and stared guiltily at everyone else.

"What happened?" Jongdae repeated.

"I-I don't know," Baekhyun replied.

"Maybe Yifan got to you," Jongdae said.

"Do you want to take the rest of the day off?" Minseok asked.

"No! I'm fine," Baekhyun declined.

"Alright then. Please don't force yourself," Minseok said.


Baekhyun did not told Chanyeol about Yifan when he called that night. He also did not talk about the sudden dizzy spell. With his usual cheerful tone, he only spoke about the cafe being extremely busy. In return, he listened to Chanyeol's complains about France being very cold and him being lonely without his wife. They spent nights like this on long-distance phone calls while Chanyeol wished that he could return to Baekhyun's side as soon as possible.

For days, Yifan kept visiting the cafe during lunch hours and only left when he was the last customer remaining. Baekhyun was clearly irritated by his presence. Other than that, Baekhyun started having bouts of vomitting every morning ever since that accident. He wondered what was wrong with him. But he still did not want to tell anyone about it.

The week past and Chanyeol was supposed to be taking the morning flight from France. Baekhyun went to pick him up from the airport after work. He waited outside the arrival gate, hoping to see his familiar tall giant. Finally, after crowds of people, he found Chanyeol approaching with a big smile. Chanyeol hugged him immediately and kissed him deeply.

"How have you been, babe?" Chanyeol asked after he broke the kiss.

"Lonely," Baekhyun smiled.

"You'll not be lonely anymore. Let's head home. I'm exhausted!" They began to walk to the carpark.

"Alright, come on," Baekhyun chuckled.

"Did you drive here?"

"Of course. How can I let my husband take the train home at this hour?"

"Great. I'll take a nap in the car then."

"You've worked hard, yeollie." Baekhyun gave a peck on the cheek.

Chanyeol was true to his words. He slept the moment he slumped onto the passenger seat. Baekhyun started up the engine and drove back to their apartment. When they met a traffic light, the petite brunet would steal a glance at his tired husband. Chanyeol looked really cute sleeping and Baekhyun could not help but to smile.

They finally reached home an hour later. Baekhyun whipped up a quick dinner while Chanyeol went to shower. The night was going slow and Chanyeol was too sleepy to tell Baekhyun all about what happened in France. It was almost a 12-hour flight. Luckily, Baekhyun understood and gave him his peace. After dinner was finshed, Chanyeol went right to bed. Baekhyun stayed up to wash the dishes and sorted out Chanyeol's things in his luggage. It was around 12 midnight when he was done. He crawled onto bed and cuddled with Chanyeol. He let his warm breath touched Chanyeol's chest. It felt good to have his husband back again.

A/N: This might suck cos Yifan is not an important character at all XD I just added him for no reason haha

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