Chapter 6

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Baekhyun stared at the appointment card in his hand. It had his name and the time written on it. He was supposed to meet Joonmyun by now. Baekhyun had no excuse to decline as the time was after his work hours. He also lied to Chanyeol that he would be hanging out with Joonmyun and Yixing for a while. He had no choice now. Baekhyun gripped the card tightly in his hand and sighed. He looked up at the hospital building and walked in. When he reached the reception area, he found Joonmyun chatting with a nurse, he was clearly waiting for him. As he neared, Joonmyun paused and waved at him.

"You are finally here," Joonmyun smiled and nudged him.

"What...are you going to do?" Baekhyun asked.

"Follow me," Joonmyun instructed.

They walked through the main hallway and reached the elevators. Baekhyun does not like being in a hospital so he felt anxious here. But he had already decided to come. He had to trust Joonmyun now. Joonmyun led him outside a room. Baekhyun read the sign by the door.

"MRI scanning?" Baekhyun read.

"We have to check that there's nothing serious in that brain of yours," Joonmyun explained.

"But hyung!"

"If you are worried about the radiowaves, you don't have to. A MRI scan is generally safer than a CT scan and there is no record of such scans harming the baby."

"I'm not worried about that..." Baekhyun mumbled and looked down.

Joonmyun leaned his side against the wall and lifted Baekhyun's chin.

"You have to stop acting like you are fine when you aren't. That body of yours is going to betray you soon if you keep being so naive."

Baekhyun stayed quiet.

"I'm not trying to curse you. But you have to understand that all of us really care about you, especially Chanyeol. He would not be able to take it if anything bad happens to you. You know that very well." Joonmyun sighed. "Now, let's not keep them waiting. Don't worry." He knocked on the door and opened it.

"Oh! Doctor Kim!" A doctor greeted.

"I brought him here," Joonmyun said.

"Hyung, will you stay with me?" Baekhyun asked.

"Of course," Joonmyun smiled.


"I'm not angry," Joonmyun mumbled and sighed.

Doctor Lee sighed too and stared at the scans.

"You've always told me how troubled you are trying to convince him. I can understand how you feel."


" are you going to tell this to his husband?"

"That's.." Joonmyun fiddled with his fingers.

"You are a professional at persuading people, I'm sure you are able to deliver this news as less painful as possible."

"But Baekhyun is different. I have never met someone so stubborn."

"Why is he like this?"

"Well..He believed that no one truly cared for him. He became used to hiding his problems, to the point that he feels uncomfortable telling others about his pain. I worry about him the most."

"It might be risky for him to have any surgery since he is already around 10 weeks pregnant. We have to wait till he gave birth. I can't help much, but I'll try my best."

"Thank you," Joonmyun stood up. "I will talk to him now."

He left the office and found Baekhyun sitting outside. He could see the nervousness in his face when Baekhyun looked up.

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