Chapter 1

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'Every person in the world has a soulmate, an eternal other piece that can make you or even break you. A natural born phenomenon that can't be explained through science but the mind and soul. Usually, by the average age of sixteen, the sign starts to occur that you are both nearby but only when the time is right. It is almost like the stage of a girl turning into a woman through the change of her period occurring. The estimated age for a girl to reach that stage is about thirteen, some are early starters while others are late bloomers; the body decides when you are ready or when to wait off till the time is right. The same is for the discovery of your soulmate, where there are late bloomers and early starters and the wait for your bodies "go sign". The stories that are told from elders and those around us, in history or health books all vary from person to person, but in the end, the sign is always the same life-changing action. Fate has a funny way of matching those who are so different yet can somehow fit perfectly together. When will you find your Mr or Ms. Right?'

Chloe scoffed at the article and tossed the magazine to the other side of the salon while the workers, already used to her attitude, continued on with their work. Chloe thought she could have a relaxing day away from the spring of love that had seem to infect the city of Paris as it did every year, but alas, every turn was filled with hearts, soulmate testimonies, and tutorials on how to figure out just who was your other half and how to impress them. The salon probably wasn't the smartest choice considering not only was the place filled with giddy girls prepping for their dates but all the regular magazines were replaced with 'Amour Magazines' that only fueled the event. Tired of all the love and sparkles around her, the blonde decided it was time to cut her 'Me time' short and call it a day, even though she only had the chance of getting her nails done.

"I'm cutting it short today Lorena. Just put the mani under Daddy's tab." The salon owner simply smiled watching the regular heiress make her way out of the shop."Of course Ms.Bourgeois. Come again soon!~"

The front door opened with a tinkle of the bell as she stepped out onto the busy sidewalk, making her way to her awaiting limo. "Finished early today, Miss?" The driver asked as he opened the door for her to step into. "Yes, take me home. I'm nursing a headache so make it quick." With the snap of her fingers, the deed was done and as the car moved through the streets Chloe stared out the window with a blank mind and a familiar empty feeling in her chest.

The next day way a Monday and the official start of "Soul Searching Week" where all the high schoolers unofficially search for their 'other half' the entire week and everyone celebrates the momentous occasion together whether they had found their soulmate yet or not. It's almost like a week's worth of Valentine's Day except when you find your someone they are your one and only dubbed by the universe. Some people had already found their other half, like Ivan and Mylene who found each other in the 8th grade, four years prior. Others waited patiently for their own encounter with the experience like Marinette, Adrien, and Sabrina to name a few. Finally, you had the very few that didn't ever want to meet their mate for life, like Chloe. The blonde dreaded this time of year, she didn't believe in the whole love of -your-life-will-stay-with-you-forever sort of thing. She also didn't like the idea that the universe got to choose who she was to spend the rest of her life with instead of her own choice.

The bell rang through the facility, signaling the start of class and the end of free time till lunch. Bubbly excited teens shuffled into their appointed rooms, chattering nonstop like the unnerving ticking of clocks. Chloe simply ignored the fussy atmosphere and strolled on towards her own empty row at the front end of the class. Wait, empty? She looked over to her right where her red headed best friend sat only to find a vacant seat. Come to think of it, Sabrina hadn't greet her at the front of the school building earlier nor had she been with her at the waiting corridor as she would usually do.

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