Chapter 2

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"Alright, let's just get this over with" Chloe huffed in annoyance and turned to face her new partner. She never had to explain how specifically to be her partner before because Sabrina just automatically did the work, but Nathanael was another story.

"Okay Tomato head, since you're new to this being-my-partner thing I'll tell you the rules that come with it." The boy scoffed and lazily rolled his eyes to face the bratty blonde. "We first split the work into two even parts."

At this, the Redhead turned his body to the girl with a confused yet shocked look on his face. He never thought that The Chloe Borugeois   would ever to the slightest bit mention "even participation", but then again this was Chloe, what was her definition of 'even' compared to the urban dictionary? The boy narrowed his eyes and asked "What do you mean by even?"

Chloe let out an annoyed huff and looked at the boy as if he had just told her that the sky was green. "Even as in, you do part of the work that you want to do while I do the part of the work that I want to do. Duh." Now this was news to Nathanael because out of the many years that he had known Chloe, never had she ever done her own work. It had always been Sabrina that wrote down the notes, asked the questions, and turned in the work. Were things not really what they seemed with Chloe? Did she actually do more work than she let off she did?

"So that means I'll do all the editing and correcting while you do the rest of the stuff. Make sure not to do too many mistakes cause I have a full schedule this week, you got that?" All previously built up hope in the boy vanished as he came to terms that he would be doing all the work while princess over here looked over and judged his work while giving her the justification to slap her name on the piece.

"Did you even look at the rubric? This isn't a normal research paper or school project, this is more of a personal project." Chloe looked back at the packet that was handed to her and grimaced at its contents.

"What a Soul Mate Means to Me."

"In this assignment, you will be working with a partner to come up with a project that will either explain, depict, or represent what soulmates are and why they are a significant part in the life of an average person. The only limits are that the elements must be school appropriate and that both you and your partner must agree with what is represented. You will all have a chance to present your projects to the class, which will also be counted in your over all grade for the project...."

Great. The one thing that I absolutely despised in the entire world and I had to give an explanation of my personal opinion about it; and to top it off, I had to be partners with the worst person possible. Out of all the people in the class, it had to be him. Chloe let out a sigh of frustration and tried to run her fingers through her hair to release some tension, but her stupid ponytail was in the way. Already frustrated enough the girl took a deep breathe, closed her eyes, and tried her best to ease herself before she caused any trouble.

"What do you think should be our representation?" Chloe peaked an eye open to look at the boy who had brought her out of her troubling thoughts. "What?" How was Chloe supposed to know? She didn't even believe in this stuff. To her, soulmates were just people so desperate for the L word that they came up with this stupid term to make it seem like it was worth something.

Nathanael ignored her dubious expression and continued on like he hadn't heard her, "I was thinking that we do a painting or something that could show the feelings of finding your soulmate. Something with depth and color to it so that most of the explanation could be told through the work itself." Not even sparing her a glance, the boy turned to a clean page in his sketch book and started to sketch out some possible ideas that they could use. 

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