Chapter 7

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Once outside the hotel building, Nathanael turned towards the direction of his home and made his way back with slight irritation. He knew that the blonde was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but did she not know how to treat another person with respect and equal value? He didn't know whether to feel angry with her or pity in that she didn't know how to function as a normal person. What is she going to do when her father's empire falls and she has to come down from her pedestal just to make a living? Nathanael cringed as he realized that she too has a soulmate who would have to put up with her arrogant self for the rest of their lives.

Poor dude.

Nathanael could see it, a blank faced someone running too and fro to keep the woman pleased, and if things weren't as she wanted he'd probably be faced with her wrath. Who am I kidding? The universe probably fixed her with someone just like her who lived off their parents and  directed terror to all that crossed their path.

Nathanael shook his head and shifted his mind towards his own soulmate. He was a late bloomer for sure, at the age of 18 with no experience with anyone in such a way. He remembered his first girlfriend back in the summer after 7th grade when his parents decided to take a family vacation away from the Parisian lifestyle. That summer he had gone with his parents to the country part of France where they stayed at a friend's summer house. During one of the cookouts he had met a girl with bright blue hair and a shining smile. He remembered falling hard for her after a summer night of gaming and star gazing in the backyard. That night they had talked for hours and hours about anything and everything. She was down to earth and easy to talk to, which was usually difficult for Nathanael. 

 A week later during another cookout, both had snuck away to explore the creak nearby. They had been playing in the water when she suddenly slipped and fell onto him. In the heat of the moment, they shared a kiss (as well as two inexperienced middle schoolers could) before pulling back in shock. With blushing faces, they both confessed and started dating from there. Nathanael recalled their late night meet ups and star gazing sessions just talking about whatever, he remembered how beautiful she made the world seem. 

After a month, he had been sure that they were soulmates because of how well they got along and their many common interests. He felt elated when she stated that she felt the same and figured that they were probably too young to experience it. In the end, they had made sure to spend as much time together as possible in hopes of their thinking to be correct. However, as the summer rolled to an end the encounter never happened, but with both sure they were soulmates, they had made plans to meet up throughout the school year. When school started, they both made it a point to call during the night and keep in touch with various texts sprinkled throughout the day. This behavior did not go unnoticed by his friends circle, who would often tease him about being love struck. Nathanael always brushed off the comments with a laugh and rosy cheeks because he didn't mind it, in fact, it was true and he was glad about it. 

However, as the year went on, her calls became shorter and not as enthusiastic as they had been. She started to miss his calls and sometimes forget to call herself until she had stopped all together. Nathanael had started to worry that he might have done something to upset her, so he thought to give her space until she contacted him. Two weeks had gone by until one Sunday afternoon when she had called him. Nathanael felt relieved when he saw her number pop up on his phone but what he heard was all but good news. 

She had found her soulmate.

Nathanael could remember feeling as if someone had doused him with ice cold water; this amazing girl wasn't to be his. She apologized profusely to which he reassured her that everything was alright, that she had nothing to be sorry for because it was what it was. Their call had ended with a promise to stay friends, but afterwards, Nathanael couldn't bring himself to call her. She tried calling him a few times and even texted him for a while before they dwindled to nothing due to his lack of response. 

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