Chapter 5

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"Boyy~ Where are you?" A cold chill ran through Nathanael as he struggle to fit all his limbs under the wooden desk out of sight. He could hear the slow clicks of her steps as she made her way down the hall almost as if she was taunting him.

Click Click Click

Each step had him struggling to breathe, each second his heart rate increased at an incredible rate. He hated catching the attention of the Akuma's, no matter how lame they were, the same feelings always rose up within him. This time, this Love themed villain was the predator and he was the prey.

Nathanael could see her heeled shadow walk by through the small space underneath the door. He let out a breath and slumped back his rigid body. In doing so, his body bumped into the metal desk creating an echoing thud. Nathanael squeezed his eyes shut as he took in a sharp breathe hoping to all thing good that the sound wasn't noticeable, but of course the universe doesn't like red headed artists.

The clicking stopped before it continued once again ever so slowly. Nathanael could make out her heels as they walked backwards and stopped again, right in front of the door.


Stepping out of the bathroom in her robe and a towel around her head Chloe made her way to her bed, turning on the TV. She flopped on her back while the news anchor chatter about the Akuma's whereabouts and reason for cause in the backgroundas she dried her hair with the towel. Closing her eyes she let her senses take her way as she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

"It should be safer for you here." Small noises from the balcony began to stirred the girl.

"Okay, thanks for the help Lady Bug."

Chloe groaned in annoyance and rolled over towards the direction of the voices but the sleep in her eyes refused to let up. The voices were silenced the second the girl showed signs of waking up. The figures waited until they were sure that the girl hadn't woken from her slumber before nodding farewell.

Nathanael looked on after his savior, Lady Bug, as she made her departure off the hotel balcony. Sure, she could have set him down some other place other than onto Chloe's balcony but having no time, Nathanael understood why she dropped him off there. Chat Noir was still down by the Seine admiring his own reflection leaving the now fan free Lady Bug to fight on her own.

Standing on the ledge, the bug themed heroine looked back over her shoulder with a small half smile on her lips as if reassuring the boy. The boy could feel his heart skip a beat as he saw the beautiful sight before him. He could feel it, her power and beauty as the sun shined on her and the breeze seemed to play with her hair, all tied together by her immense kindness that she seemed to radiate. With a last nod, just as quick as she stole his heart all those years ago saving him, she was gone, off to save the rest of Paris. For a while, all the boy could do was stare at where the girl once was. It wasn't until he heard the sound of sheets rustling from behind that he came back to the current reality.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

She's awake. Great.

Chloe moved off the bed and walked towards the mysterious figure standing on her balcony. The figure had it's back turned but she could clearly make out that it clearly was a male standing there. "Hey You! I'm talking to you!"

Not afraid at all of the man, Chloe stopped just before the frame of the balcony doors a few feet away from him. She crossed her arms and waited for him to turn and answer her. Nathanael turned and look at the girl with a bored expression as if he would much rather be anywhere else but there. She wasn't how she usually looked, her blonde hair was let down a bit messy and she looked to be in nothing but a bath robe. It took a minute for her to recognize him but when she did Chloe couldn't stop her mouth from sassing him, not realizing the state that she was in.

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