Chapter 8

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Chloe leaned against the edge of her balcony as she laid her head on her arms watching the birds go by. The morning was terrible and all the blonde was glad for was the fact that she was now finally safe on her secluded perch above the bustling streets. Up here, no one could bother her, but that didn't mean that her thoughts were silent.

This morning..

"What did she do now? Is she that bad that she even drove away her only friend?"

Chole winced as Alya's voice rang through her head. Sabrina was the one who left her in the first place, and for some guy too. Chloe recalled the events of this morning that had lead to her old self to return.

"Bonjour Chloe!" Sabrina perked up from her usual waiting spot when she spotted Chloe making her way into the school. The red head ran up towards her and threw her arms around the girl, practically jumping with joy. Chloe stiffened in the embrace as many emotions ran through her, confusing her as to what she should be feeling. Happiness? Anger? Relief? Betrayal?

"I'm so sorry I haven't been in touch with you for a while, but you will not believe what happened!" Chloe could see the excitement and joy in her friend's face and couldn't help but soften her heart. Her friend was beyond happy, Chloe could see it in the way she rambled about whatever she was going on about.

"Oh! Maxie!" She suddenly sprang up and skipped towards the boy that had just walked into school. Watching her friend turn her back to her immediately caused a familiar suffocating feeling to rise up into her throat.

She was being left behind, again.

Anger and betrayal raged through her, but what could she do? She let this happen. Chloe turned away and proceeded to go to class.

"Chloe? Wait! I want-" Chloe could feel the grip on her shoulder before she turned to face the girl she called her friend.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I don't want to interact with you anymore? Why do you think I haven't made a move to talk to you lately? I'm done with you."

"T-that's not true." Sabrina whispered, her joyce expression replaced with a crest fallen one. "We're frien-"

"Friends?" She scoffed, "You really thought that I actually thought we were friends? Puh-lease. I'm Chloe Bourgeois, I could have anyone as my friend. I don't need you."

With a final glare, Chloe turned and continued into the classroom with her head high and a sway in her hips. 'I don't need her, I don't need anyone. I never did. I only need myself, I'm fine.' She repeated this when Sabrina walked by her. She repeated this when Max glared at her. She repeated this when Alya tried to butt her head in. She repeated this whilst trying to hide her burning eyes through filing her nails and focusing on her phone in class.

I'm fine.

Chloe grew angry at the thought of her tears and the way she acted, she hated feeling sorry for herself. There was nothing wrong, these problems are small, why should she cry over them? Scoffing at herself, Chloe raised her head from her arms and stared ahead at the sky ignoring the strain in her chest. With a look of determination and a promise in her heart, Chloe turned back into her haven. She was going to solve these problems and get a hold of her feelings again.


Nathanael stared boredly at the multiple monitors set before him, straining his eyes as he tried to adjust his vision to accommodate the only source of light within the confined dark space. During the usual uneventful night watches of the museum, Nathanael would spend the majority of his time in the watch room sketching or catching up on homework. To his utter dismay, he had run out of pages in his sketchbook and didn't realize that he had left his back up at home whilst rushing to work. Nathanael groaned while looking at the angry red 22:46 that glared back at him from the side desk.

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