Chapter 4

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Walking across the street, Chloe took in her surroundings before closing her eyes yet again to fully take everything in. Her senses heightened every time her eyes were closed, she felt as if she could be in another world. Lifting her hood the girl hid within the warmth of her jacket as a cold breeze passed by. Chloe couldn't help the small smile that stretched across her face as she opened her eyes and found the fountain plot just up ahead. The fountain itself was off but she still sat on the bench closest to gaze at the structure as if it were still on, the small smile never leaving her face.

"Come on Chloe! You're supposed to be the princess that needs saving and I'm the knight that will save you!" The little blonde girl scowled at her best friend.

"Why do I have to be the one that gets saved?  And why a princess? Why can't I be the dragon that can fly and take you on adventures across my lava home land?" The little boy pouted as he wanted to save someone not only go on an adventure.

"You're a GIRL, Chloe! Not a dragon!"

"And You're a BOY, Adrien. Not a Knight." Chloe sassed back while the boy gawked back at her with a look of broken dreams.

"So? Boys can grow to be knights that saves princesses but girls can't grow up to be dragons!"

"But this is pretend!" The two glared at each other before a light laugh caught their attention.

"Why don't you both make Talula the princess that needs to be saved but the knight has to ask for the help of the powerful dragon to help find the princess? Then you both have to go on an adventure together to find her?" kindness and motherly love shone from the woman's eyes as she looked down at the two from the bench she sat on.

"Oh Yeah! That's a great idea mom!" Adrien hopped towards his mother with a big smile on his face as she looked around for the yellow bear. "Come on Chloe, lets go!"


Chloe could still remember how they ended up running around the fountain, Adrien chasing after her because she was the one to 'save' Talula instead of Knight Adrien. Adrien tripped and scraped his knee just as Chloe was about to run to Mrs. Agreste for protection from her son. His cries immediately brought her full attention towards him and all the girl could remember was how jealous she was of Adrien at the time. She remembered watching from the side of the fountain as his mom carefully picked him up while she softly soothed him and walk over to the bench to tend to his wounds. She remembered how Mrs. Agreste gently wiped away his tears and gave him small kisses while cheering on the boy for being brave. She watched from the sidelines what a true mother was, but that was it, she could only ever watch.

A melancholy smile graced Chloe's features as she remembered her time with Mrs. Agreste gazed at the fountain before looking back up at the stars. The stars weren't as bright as she remembered them to be but they were still there.

"If you look at the stars, each one is a person who loves you and every time they twinkle they're smiling down at you. So be polite and smile back, okay?... There is always a reason to smile kids, it won't hurt anyone."

Chloe's vision began to blur as her breathing started to become rugged; that was one of the lasting pieces of advice she had given her. Although the woman wasn't her real mother, Mrs. Agreste always showed her motherly love that was almost equal to the love she gave to her own son.

Almost, but it wasn't the same.

Chloe hugged her knees close to her chest and hid her face within them. Although she struggled to breathe properly she kept her position not wanting to let the feelings she had buried deep inside herself to arise again.

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