The System | BxB |

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Andrew's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the living room. Who could be in my house, in the middle of the night, at 4am... I opened my door slightly and peered out, it was my father, who seemed to be drunk once again on the couch.. with a girl, who seemed to just get him a glass of water from the fridge. The floor creeked under my body, and she peered over to where I was and saw me, I quickly jolted in my room and closed my door, and I laid down in bed, trying to fall back asleep, I couldn't due to the loud laughter and movement coming from the living room. I wondered, what could be so funny? I then decided to go out into the living room, but was a bit nervous since my dad warned me not to interrupt him when he had company, but I had to see why there was so much noise, I started walking towards the living room which was fairly close to my bedroom, I saw the woman look at me. "Hello, I-I'm--the son..." I said, trying to find the right words to not make it awkward. She gasped and turned her attention to my dad who seemed to be passed out already on the couch. "Phil never told me he had a.... son"  She looked at me up and down. "What the fuck are you" she said, pointing at my pink hair. "It's just dye" I said jokingly, ignoring her insult. "No, who dyes their hair pink" she said. I didn't respond and she said, "Faggots do those things" she said while holding in her laughter, "Go to your room faggot." She said with a big voice. I stood there, not listening, my dad woke up and groaned from his usual headache, he looked over at me and the woman, then he just looked at me. "Boy, what did I tell you about bothering me when I had company." He said to me sternly. He then turned his attention to the lady, who smirked at me making sure he didn't notice. "Did he bother you at all honey?" He said without caring that he called this stranger "honey" right in front of me. "Yes he was, he was causing so much trouble, but... I didn't want to wake you..." My dad's expression turned from angry to ANGRY, and he got up but then tripped over an empty bottle on the ground. I couldn't help but chuckle, but I quickly covered my mouth. "What was that boy?" He said shocked. He then grabbed me by my arm and threw me inside my room, leaving a huge red mark on my arm from his strong grip. I sat on the bed, a few minutes later I heard footsteps coming from outside my door, then I heard a loud drill, drilling into my door as it shook, and then it all went silent and whoever it was walked away. I tried opening my door to peer out to see who it was, but I couldn't open my door, I then yelled "Hello?" Footsteps quickly came to my door. "Looks like he put a padlock on your door after I told him how you "punched me in the arm." She said indicating that she lied. She then walked away slowly, and I laid back down in my bed, I already got called "faggot" by my dad, and he did punch me a few times, but he never locked me in my room, god things are getting worse, he told me not to bother him when he's doing anything, and he's always doing something, so I can't go near him at all without getting yelled at or even punched.

I woke up to the bright rays of the sun shining in my face, I sat up and closed my blinds. My room is small and I don't have much, I don't even have an alarm clock, or even a clock, I tried opening my door and remembered how my dad put a padlock on the door, I sighed and yelled. "I need to get ready for school dad, it's the first day of school" He then came and slowly unlocked my door and opened it. "Get ready, if you're late I'll lock you in your room after school without dinner" He said as he usually said last year, but this time with a harsher, crueller voice. I wanted to say something, but I held it back, I wasn't a brave type of kid, I never could stand up to a bully, I couldn't stand up to my dad. I then went into the bathroom and looked in the Mirror. It's a new school Andrew, maybe you'll have a better year, maybe you won't be bullied. I thought to myself, but all I had was "maybes" I didn't really know what was going to happen.. I brushed my teeth and hair, and I continued to think about the new year to come, and all the endeavors I am going to have to face. I then hear my father and the woman's voice. They were flirting with each other, which was completely disgusting since I'm standing inside the same house. I decide that it's the best time to take a shower, since I wouldn't be able to hear them with the loud water running.

I was all ready for school, I had a decent outfit on, washed hair, brushed teeth, and I am all ready for a new year, especially the first day of school since that's the day you get a label for the rest of the year-- at least with my school.

I quickly ran down the hall and hid my excitement/nervousness and slowly opened the door to leave and go outside. I didn't bother saying goodbye to my father who didn't care if I left or not, I closed the door and began heading down to the bus stop. As I got there, I noticed a new face. He turned his face as he heard me approaching, my heart was racing faster as he looked at me up and down, examining me slowly, he then gave me a friendly smile, and said "Hi, I'm Mason" He said as he stared into my eyes waiting for a response, "Hi I'm Andrew" I said softly. "Nice to meet you Andrew" he said. I began to start getting less nervous, "I like your hair" he said surprisingly, since no one really complemented my hair before. "Thanks" I said as the bus arrived. The doors opened quickly and I stepped up the steps fast, while I saw all the people from last years... The bullies.. "Oh look it's the faggot back again this year" someone yelled. I then heard a loud burst of laughter as I put my hands in my pocket, looked down at my shoes, and sat down in the only empty seat. The laughter was still going on, including the insults.. Not again.. Not another school year like last year please.. A loud yell interrupted my thoughts, "guys be quiet" A familiar voice said, I looked up and saw that it was Mason, and apparently they all listened to him and a wave of silence went throughout the bus like they were his dogs and he was their master. "Mind if I sit here?" He said. His charming eyes were glistening, as he looked at me. "Y-yes, I mean-- I don't mind, yes you can sit here" I said correcting myself. He chuckled and sat down. I looked over at him when he wasn't looking, I didn't realize how good he looks, since I was always staring down at my shoes. He had blond hair down to his eyes with gorgeous eyes that never stopped glowing, he had muscular arms, and looked very fit. I didn't realize how long I was daydreaming, because we were already at the school. "Well I guess we are here" Mason said. "Yeah" I said, as I got up with him and walked off the bus. I keep hearing insults around me from people that were already at school, I sighed to myself. "This is going to be a long year."

Mason's P.O.V.

As me and Andrew started approaching the school, I couldn't help but notice all the insults coming from around us, I don't know why they are insulting the poor kid, like why, I just really felt the urge to defend him. I stopped walking for a second. "Guys stop with the insults" I said and ran to catch up with Andrew. Being popular has its perks since I'm captain of the football team. "You okay?" I said concerned. "Yeah I am" he said, but obviously he wasn't, but I ignored it. "What class do you have first period" I asked him. He stared down at his schedule and I examined him closely, his thinking face was just adorable. And his hair is really nice, but I also couldn't help but notice the bruises he had on his head. "I have science." He said as I snapped out of my trance. "What do you have?" He asked me with a low voice. "Let me check" I said as I pulled my schedule out of my book bag. I peered down at my schedule and saw that it said I had science. "I have science too." I said with a smile, as his expression turned from sad to happy, I smiled and we walked together to science class, as I was walking in the hallway I saw kids looking at Andrew, whispering and pointing at him. Why are they doing that? He didn't do anything wrong to deserve that. I then saw room 104 which was our science room number, we both walked in and sat down, waiting for instructions from the teacher. "So.. A-are you popular or something" he asked. "Well Im the captain of the football team so people treat me that way, but I don't consider myself to be" I said hardly understanding anything I said. "Oh" he said. He sounded like he was opening up a bit more, I looked over at his light pink hair and his sparkly green eyes, he looked so nice and I couldn't help but stare.. He looked over to me and I quickly turned my head as my face started turning into a very bright pink color. I looked at the clock and realized that it was 15 minutes into the class already, damn.. With him.. He makes my classes faster, but I am still wondering about his bruises on his face and why he's getting bullied.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed, more coming soon, please like and comment


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