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AFTER TWO HOURS OF SLEEPING, reading, and watching youtube videos, we finally made it to our destination.

"Girls wake up!" Aunt Tambra yells to wake us up even though we already were.

"Where are we?" A tired Naomi asks looking around. Jae yawns "The airport "

"If you guys want good seats you might want to hurry up and get your stuff" Her mom says getting out of the drivers seat to get her things together

I fold all of my blankets and put them back in my suit case, once i was done Naomi and Jae were already out with their bags ready.

I put my earbuds in and shuffle my playlist, we all walked with our suit cases rolling onto the pavement meeting up with the rest of the family.

"Everyone come over here so we can take attendance" Malik says waving to the slacking family members.

"What are we? Fucking 12?" Naomi asks rolling her eyes going over there to help him anyways.

Malik lifted her up onto his shoulders as they started to do roll call.

I just sat on my suit case turning down my music so i can hear when my name is called. Jae sat next to me fiddling with her homemade slime.

" Mom?!" I yell preparing to check off her name.

" Here!". I cross off her name on the check list.

"Jacobi" Malik yells

" Right here" He replies

"Okay everyone is here!" I smile looking at all of the name that are crossed off.

" Wait before you get off Malik's shoulders we should all take a group picture." Aunt Laura declares

"Good idea!" Melody smiles

All of us huddle into take a group picture. A nice stranger that was willing to take it for us said they would so I stayed on Mailk's shoulders, Matthew was next to him on his right side and on his left our mom as the rest filled in the rest of the spaces.

Once we took the picture I got off of my brothers shoulders and we thanked the nice stranger. I got my luggage with Jae and Skyler and headed for security to get checked.

We put our luggage on the  conveyor belt and walked threw the metal detector. Once everyone was done we got our hand bags that has our blankets and pillows in and headed for the waiting area.

After twenty minutes our flight was called.

I looked at Jae and Skyler, " Ready guys?"

"As ready as i'll ever be" Jae said with anxiety in her tone. "Totally " Skyler smiled at the both of us

We all hold eachothers hands when we get on. Since we were one of the first people on we got to pick where we were seated. All of us decided on the middle row by the window. I quickly got in first so i could get my window seat.

"I'll sit in the middle" Skyler says leaving poor Jae on the outside.

"At least i'll get my food before you guys" She says with a shrug

"That's true" Me and Skyler both agree

I put my blanket over me and snuggle up into a ball. I gave everyone a pack of mint gum so our ears won't pop.

"Yoo, im getting anxiety" I say looking around as the plane starts to fill up with people.

"Same, my heart is beating" Jae says

" Me too!" Skyler says

After eveyone is settled and we listen to the boring flight attendant for several minutes the plane starts to lift off.

" By America.." I say softly as i look out the window.

HELLO NORTH KOREA- i mean South Korea.

" How many hours left?" A very antsy Skyler asks

" Only 1 more hour left" i say looking up at the ceiling, i look back over again, " Is Omi awake yet?" I ask

We both look over to hear light snores coming from the deep asleep little chicken nugget.

"Gheez, she's been asleep sense we lifted off" Skyler says

" She loves her sleep" I say as I shake my head and close my eyes to try and take a nap to make the last hour go faster.

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