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IT WAS NOW FOURTH PERIOD, and only ten minutes left before half day started. I don't really know what they do here but I'm kind of nervous.

Kyung texted me saying that we might go fuck around in the mall nearby but it wasn't definite. I must've been in thought for a while because suddenly the bell rung making me jump a little in my seat.

Not wanting to be late I hurried to put my stuff in my bag and ran down the hall while accidentally falling into Naomi...

I was walking down the hall try to get to Jae and Aesun's locker so we could all walk together when this stupid ass bitch fell into me.

"What the fuck!" I say being knocked to the floor

"Oops" a voice says next to me

Wait i know that voice

"Skyler?" I turn my head to see the short maroon hair-colored spazz dusting herself off

"Yes that's my name" she says picking up her bag

"Watch were you're running next time dude" I groan feeling a pain in my side

"Don't tell me what to do!" She argues

She's starting to piss me off

"It would be nice if you said sorry instead of trying to pick an argument since you did just fall into me" i say getting heated and picking myself up from the ground

"I don't have time for you! And stop talking to me"

I'm done

I glared at her and pushed her up against the lockers and moved towards her. "Listen, I don't know what the fuck your problem is or why you have an attitude all of the sudden, but that shit isn't cute. Just because we're family DOESN'T mean I won't beat your ass"

"Touch me I dare you" She scoffs

I shoved her to the ground again and grabbed my stuff and headed to Aesun's locker. After a minute I reached her locker with everyone waiting.

"YAYYY NAOMI'S HERE" Jeno says happily.

"What took you so long" Rocky asked

Wouldn't you like to know?

"Stupid bitches" i say rolling my eyes as we walk out of the school doors

"Bitch spill some tea" Jae says

"I want to spill some hot ass tea on Skyler" I roll my eyes

"Whats the matter? What did she do?" Aesun asks

"Okay so she was running in the hall and didn't look where she was going and then she fell into me making both of us fall to the ground"

"Did she say sorry?" Mark asks. I told them the rest of the story and Jae just rolled her eyes.

"Something is up with her" Jae says

"Yeah. Most definitely" i agree

"So where to?" Haechan asks

"Fooddd" Rocky whines and we all laugh.

Having new friends can kind of be fun.

I really hope Naomi doesn't get in trouble for what she did in the hall to Skyler. Not like i would tell on her, but Skyler might tell...

"Where do you guys want to eat" Aesun asks

"I want out of this uniform" Naomi complains

"Me toooo" Mark agrees

"Let's all go home, change and then we can take someones car to gey food" Haechan says

"Sounds good" Naomi says turning the corner to our street

"Wait!" Rocky says while running up to me and Naomi

This guy has a thing for Omi...i know it

"Yes?" She says looking at him with a blank face

"Let me walk you two home" He says

"Thats nice but we don't need you to walk us home, its just down the street" I say trying to get him to leave

"Yeah..thanks Rocky but its okay" Naomi tells him with a smile

"Fine, but text me when you get home" He gives up

"If I don't forget!" She says while catching up with me leaving the group of idiots

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