Get to the lake

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Her truck was parked on the street directly in front of my house. We both ran for the truck as fast as humanly possible. We both slammed our doors shut as Macy was visibly shaking trying to get her keys in the ignition. We jumped and screamed at the sound of light knocking on the window. Max stood outside her window with a half-smile plastered across his face. She looked back at me and her eyes widened as she was looking past me, I slowly looked hiding my full face with my hair and peeking through. I'm scared to fully look at what Macy was seeing, though I had a theory, I just needed to make sure. Of course, the prince was there, just standing looking at me with no visible emotion on his face. I flinched as I heard Max speak.

"Macy, can you unlock the doors please?" Max was giving her a big smile, as we both froze expecting to see those fangs again, nothing but normal human teeth was there. "Macy, look at me. Please unlock the door for me." Macy sat frozen and didn't even look like she was breathing. I saw her hand move and start reaching for the button to unlock the doors.

"Macy!" I screamed "What are you doing? Don't unlock the doors just start the truck and let's go!" I screamed as she jumped and turned to look at me with horror written all over her pale face.

"Oh my god!" Macy screamed turning the key in the ignition and peeling out of the spot leaving them standing there. "I can't believe I almost just did that"

"Macy its okay we just need to get away from..." I paused I didn't know what they were, or really what to call those things. "Them." was all I could think of.

"I'm not crazy right? You saw it too? Right? Tell me you saw what was in your brother's mouth? Oh my god, this can't be happening, I'm not crazy, Annie please answer me?" Macy panicking voice yelled, her breathing became louder than normal. "Annie!" She pleaded.

"Macy," I didn't know what to say. I just sat there with my mouth open collecting flies...
"Annie, you saw right?" I just nodded my head, "your brother is a vampire and I think his friend is too!" The truck fell silent for a few moments.

"That's not my brother, my brother is dead." Macy didn't respond because there was nothing to say.

The truck fell silent as we drove and I just sat looking out the window. I knew where we were going without even asking. We were on a road that took us to a dead-end in the middle of a forest surrounding our town's lake. We found it a few years back when Macy first got her license, and we got a little lost. But our discovery was the quickest way to the lake and it was free parking we just had to walk through the forest. Someone had posted a wooden sign that said 'Easter Lake' with an arrow and we were dumb and crazy enough to follow it. I sat in silence remembering all the fun we had that day. Laughing about how I was convinced that it was a trap, and movies would be made about our deaths. It was completely dark now and the moon was high above and bright. I could see a lot out here in the dark. I didn't notice before, especially being on such a dark road the lights that where behind the truck. Two sets of car lights shined in the side-mirror, as I spun in my seat to make sure my eyes were not playing a trick on me.

"Macy!" I shouted in a panic.

"They're following us, I was so distracted I didn't even know. Crap!" I felt the car speed up

"Macy, were going to come to the dead-end, what are we going to do? We will be trapped like sitting ducks!" Macy shook her head back and forth.

"We need to get to the lake!"

"Why so they can murder us and throw our bodies in the lake for an easy disposal? Macy, I don't feel like dying on my birthday"

"Annie that's where the party is, everyone's their right now. Let's hope those two won't cause a big commotion when almost half the town is around."

"Half the town's there, Macy?" I said, not sure that was going to work.

"Annie, now is not the time to start complaining! When we come to a stop, get out and run into the forest, they won't know where we're going. Call Joel and tell him what's happening and to meet us half way, also to bring people for help." I shook my head

"I can't call him. The prince, he broke my phone, he... he smashed it with two fingers...” I responded, recalling the memory in horror.

"I'll call him you just run and run like hell. I'll be right behind you."

We stayed on the road until it came to an end, she slammed on the brakes throwing the truck in park as we swung the doors open. I attempted to jump out in a cool like action movie way, but I failed and had an issue with getting tangled in the seat belt. Macy was reaching for the phone in the center console as I looked back at the road and saw both cars had stopped and there were two dark fingers walking toward us that were about 100 ft. away. It was hard to tell which figure was who because the lights on the cars were on. All I could be see was their dark silhouettes. I glanced over to Macy, and she had noticed them as well; then looked back again. The lights went off.

"Annie run!" Macy screamed, as she ran too, but in a slightly different direction. That move was dumb. Everyone knows you never split up, no matter what.

I ran as hard as I could but becoming winded I kept stumbling, and end up falling twice. The moon made it easier to see, but didn't help that much when the trees became denser and blocked a lot of light. My pace was slowing as I was tiring after everything I had been through, and my ankle felt like broken glass from one of my falls.

I heard a noise that brought me to a stand still. It came from behind me and I spun to see if I could hear or see anything. I thought I heard Macy yell my name, but I was unsure, tell I heard a blood curdling scream that seemed to echo all around me bringing tears to my eyes. I called out for her, but when the still quiet returned my answer, I spun and started to take off running when I slammed into a tree. I screamed, but stopped because I felt no pain, and I was still somewhat standing, I opened my eyes to see the emotions stoned face prince gripping my arms. I screamed and tried to struggle out of his light grip, but I could not get away.

"You need to relax I'm not going to hurt you." he had moved his face close to mine.

"Never let me go, you freak!" He shook his head.

"I didn't want to do this, we could avoid this if you would calm down and come with me" I kicked at his shins.

"Never, let go of me!" He shook his head, again. He opened his mouth, his canines grew out into the same fangs that I had seen on my brother. He moved so quickly that I only felt the pain of his teeth enter me, not the movement, which was better I guess than him moving in slowly and waiting for this pain. The pain as he sunk his teeth caused me to scream louder than I had ever had before, as tears fell down my face. My memory became fuzzy after that. I remember feeling his hands move away from gripping my arms to one tightly wrapping around my waist pulling me closer to him, as the other was softly on the back of my neck near where his fangs entered me and was drinking my blood. The pain had gone and almost felt good and I felt my arms move on their own to bring him closer to me, as I heard a growling noise. I looked up at the bright moon, it started to fade tell I blacked out.

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