You want to dance with me

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So the video on the side, is a trailer that Roshiinii made for this book, and it also has the characters, tho i dont know who 3 out of 5 of these people it still awesome so check it out. in return  im promoting one of her story's for creating this for me, her story is called Just in Love, by Roshiinii.

thanks for reading and i hope y'all dont hate me at the end of this chapter.



Macy patted me on the back for support as I took a few deep breaths and followed her out of the bathroom. I was going to ask Luke to dance then somehow work in that I think I might actually have feelings for him without making it look like I was toying with him. This was going to be harder than I thought. I could feel anxious waves swirling around me as I tried to think of how I was going to do this. I started biting my lip with uncertainly, I mean how could I even approach him if he was already dancing with Leah or what if he just flat out said 'No’, I felt Macy grab my hand and pull me along with her because my pace was slowing and I knew she wanted to get back to Max.

As we walked back into the room it was apparent that the light had been dimmed more, and the music being played was louder than before we left. The majority of the people were dancing and only a few were sitting at the bar where I could see Luke and Leah still sitting at the bar as her hand was touching his arm. I felt a growl escape my lips and heard Macy giggling next to me. I glared at her as she raised her hands in surrender and started walking off toward Max who was doing some weird dance with Bobby and really needed to stop.

I started walking over toward the bar while my courage started to grow as I gave myself a pep talk in my head. But when I was half way there Leah stood up with a smirk on her face and grabbed Luke's hand and he followed her. I instantly stopped walking and looked away from them as they were coming in my direction and I didn't want them to see me. I did the first thing I could think of and grabbed two glasses of champagne off the table I was standing in front of and downed them as fast as I could. I really didn't even care whose glasses they were I just really need them at this moment. But as I finished the second glass I was rudely bumped into, that bitch had the nerve to bump into me on purpose because it made me stumble and it had force behind it. I ended up dropping both glass and they crashed to the floor, but we were the only ones that knew what happened because the music covered the noise to the rest of the party goers.

“Leah, why did you do that? Apologize to Annie,” he said while looking irritated at her, but he did let go over her hand, score points for me as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Why? It’s not my fault she was taking up the entire walkway.” She was on crack, I was leaning over a table and they could have gone around but I really wanted to smack this bitch.

“Annie, are you okay?” Luke asked as he touched my arm and was looking at me in such a way that I just wanted to kiss him, but my thoughts were interrupted by that stupid woman.

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