Noctis x Reader - Different

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First of all I would like to thank you all who read my previous book "FFXV x OC". I honestly thought I would get only 1 view lol. If you want to, you can go check it out!

Second thing is that this is my first x reader story so hopefully I do okay according to your guys' satisfaction! And sorry if they get out of character!

Special thanks to Rosey_Gem01, HorseArtist258, Gladiolover55❤, and AndyBVBGirl for supporting me and being great friends. You guys are the best!

With that being said, I'll leave you to the reading! Hope you guys enjoy!

You were just an ordinary girl in a city ruled by a King and Prince. The fact that your city was ruled by a King and Prince didn't scare you, or even affect you.

You had (h/l) (h/c) hair with (s/c) skin. Your (e/c) always lit up a dull room when you walked in. Some people stared at you, either in awe or disgust. Either way, they were all jealous of your looks.

What you haven't realized is that for the past few years, a certain boy has been going to your school. You never noticed, because you never had any classes with him, and you never even had a chance to run into him, either.

That all changed. You were walking down the hallway with your best friend, (b/f/n), and you weren't paying attention to your surroundings because you were being (f/n). One minute you were laughing with (b/f/n) and the next you were on the ground with books scattered everywhere.

You rub your head as you attempted to get up, but you realized that the person who had crashed into you was laying on top of you. "Uh, are you okay?" You asked, poking the person a couple times. You were very awkward with these situations.

The person groaned and sits up and gets off of you. You could barely see their face, but you could see to the point where you knew this person was a male. "Yeah, I think so. What about you?" He looked up from the ground to make eye contact with you.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. His hair was bluish-black, and he was dressed up in the boy's school uniform. You had concluded at the last second that he was, in fact, the Prince of Caelum.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." You said, stutter was a little bit noticeable. You silently cursed at yourself as Noctis stood up. "That's a relief. Here." He offers you a hand since (b/f/n) was on the ball and picked up your books for you.

You take his hand and he helps you up. (B/f/n) gives you your books and you nodded to her in thanks. She nods back and takes off for her next class since it was next door. "I'm Noctis, Noct for short. What about you?" He asked.

"(F/n), (n/n) if you wish to call me by something shorter." You say in response. He nods. "I'll catch you later." You nodded in response and you both take off in different directions.

*Time skip*

It was after school and you were leaning against the school building, waiting for your bus to arrive. Your phone was taken away because you went over the limited data, so you were bored out of your mind. That is, until Noctis and his friend came along.

"Hey." Noctis greeted. "Hey." You replied. "Is this the girl you were talking about?" His friend asked. Noctis nodded and his friend suddenly shook your hand, startling you slightly. "Hi, I'm Prompto! Nice to meet you!"

You laughed nervously. "Hey there, Prompto. I'm (f/n)." You greeted. Prompto nods. "Well, hate to run off, but I still have to beat this guy! See you later!" Prompto indicated to Noctis before running off to who knows where.

"Well, now that nutjob's gone, I have something to tell you." Noctis said. You laughed slightly. "Is that what you call your friends?" He grins. "Some of them. But I really do have something to tell you."

You nodded. "I'm all ears." "Well, I just want to say that you're a nice person. I know we haven't talked much at all, but I can tell you're different." He broke eye contact with you after that. You raise your eyebrows.

"Good different or bad?" He looks back up at you. "Good, definitely good." You smile and pat his back softly. "Well, hey, you aren't bad yourself." He chuckled. "Thanks."

"Your Highness." You and Noctis both look up and see his Royal Advisor, Ignis, ready with the limo. "It's time to go." Noctis nods and looks at you. "See you tomorrow?"

You nod. "Definitely." He smiles and nods before walking over to Ignis, who had the door waiting for him. "A new friend?" He asked. Noctis looks back at you once last time to see you looking up at the sky. "Yeah, you could say that."

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