Gladio x Reader - Childish Manners

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It was a normal day in the Royal Palace, or, so some people thought.  (B/f/n) had begged you to stop working for a bit to help her out with something that has to do with Noctis and Prompto.

You actually had no idea why (b/f/n) was there at the palace, but you didn't mind since the King allowed her there for your sake of company. But you did know why she had a plan to get Noctis and Prompto.

Noctis and Prompto had gone into the city just to scare her. She was so mad at them that she had vowed to get them back. Today was her day, and why invite anyone else other than her partner in crime?

But first off, what was your actual job in the palace? You were in the position under Gladio, to act like a sister he never had. It sounded like a job that wouldn't exist, but you were surprised at the offer. Since you were friends with Noctis before the job, you decided to take a shot at it.

Even though you didn't know it, Gladio was excited to work with you. No one knew, really, because he barely showed any emotions other than anger and a little happiness. He showed anger well.

Anyway, you and (b/f/n) were hiding behind the couch in one of the many rooms of the palace. "I'm sorry if you get fired for this." She said. You laugh slightly, moving your (h/c) hair out of your face. "Are you kidding me? This is my job!"

She grins. "Then let's get the job done!" You smile in return and nodded.

*Time skip*

At this point in time you were running for your life. You and (b/f/n) had gotten both Noctis and Prompto. And you were going to continue running, if it wasn't for Gladio stopping you. "Hey! Where the hell have you been?"

You pant from short of breath. " job." He raised his eyesbrows. "And?" You hesitated for a moment before responding, "With help from (b/f/n).."

Gladio sighed and facepalmed. Ignis walks in and crosses his arms, making you look down in shame. "When will you quit these childish manners?"

Gladio rolled his eyes. "Relax, this is her job we're talking about here." You look up at him in shock. You weren't expecting him to stand up for you and your job.

The three of you hear Noctis scream your name from the hallway not too far from yours. You look back at them with wide eyes. "Sorry, but I really have to go!" And with that you took off.

Gladio and Ignis watched as you turned into the left hallway. They then turn around to see Noctis coming up to them. "Hey! Have you seen (f/n)?" He asked. "Right hallway." Gladio responded. "Thanks." Noctis went into the right hallway.

Ignis turns to Gladio. "You've changed." Gladio gives him a confused look. "What makes you say that?" Ignis pushes his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. "You've defended her twice in one day. If I didn't know any better I would say you're in love with her and her childish manners."

Gladio shrugs. "You could be right, you could be wrong. But her childish manners are what makes her so damn cute."

Hey everyone! Sorry for all the cussing, but that's what they do in Final Fantasy, right? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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