Prompto x Reader - Prince's OTP?

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There was four of you. There was you, of course, every guy's dream girl. Girls wondered how you even turned out the way you did because they thought you looked so gorgeous. Pulling off that (f/c) t- shirt and blue jeans outfit. It was so original, but looked so flawless on you.

The second one was your girl best friend, (b/f/n). She wore black jeans with her favorite t- shirt. She acted very silly, especially when she was around you. It was almost like you brought the true (b/f/n) right out of her! Anyway, everyone wanted to have her personality. She was great at expressing herself, especially when she was ticked off.

The third person was the Prince of Caelum, or Noctis in your words. Every girl swooned for him, well, except for you and (b/f/n). Or, so you thought. He wasn't interested in a relationship, though. He had his eyes set somewhere else. Not to mention, he rocked at combat when you and your friends were invited to watch.

The last one was Prompto. Now this was the guy of your dreams. He's been there for you, even when you and      (b/f/n) have fought with each other.

Not only that, but you loved his personality! Looks didnt matter to you. You and (b/f/n) were friends with Prompto when he had made the decision to lose weight. Now that he has, you had to admit, he does look pretty damn hot.

Right now, you, (b/f/n), and Prompto were at one of Noctis's combat practices. He was facing Gladio since he was his instructor and Ignis was kind enough to bring you three an after school snack: Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Once Noctis was done, Prompto jumps off the railing you were sitting on to get him a towel. (B/f/n) suddenly hides her face behind your back, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. "Uh, you okay there, (b/f/n)?" You asked

"No.." She responded. You look up at Noctis and raise a finger, signaling one second. He nods and you and     (b/f/n) go into the nearest bathroom. "What's going on?" You asked as you see her panicking.

"I...he...he was a best friend to me one he's..." You raise your eyebrows at her. "Wait, are you telling me...?" "Uh-huh."

You brush your bangs back. "Oh my Gods."  She sighed and leaned against the wall. "What do I do? You've been keeping your crush in for years, what have you done?"

You laughed slightly and put a hand on her shoulder. "I've been relieving my stress out on you." She looks up and grin before setting one hand on your shoulder  "We'll suffer together."

You nodded and you both walk out to see Noctis and Prompto talking. They then turn towards you two when you guys had walked up to them. "Hey, where'd you guys go?" Prompto asked.

You shrugged. "We went to get some air. " Prompto pouted. "Well you should have let me know! I was worried sick!" You raise your eyebrows at him. You didn't expect this to come from him.

"I might be out of place here but I'm assuming you are only talking about (f/n) here." (B/f/n) said. Noctis laughed as Prompto's face became a tomato.

"Yes! My otp!" Noctis cheered. (B/f/n) laughed. "I shipped these two since I met Prompto." It was Noctis's turn to laugh and they high fived while you two were standing there like awkward tomatoes.

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