Prompto - Prove It

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I haven't updated in forever! I know you people must hate me but hey! Summer's just around the corner! Anyway, I hope you like this!

Yore spending the night at Prompto's appartmnent since your  appartment was flooded because of the rain. You and Prompto were sitting on the couch at me 11 at night watching (favorite scary movie), cuddled up with a blanket.

You squeak as one of the scary parts comes up, and surprisingly, Prompto was holding up well, probably  he has watched this many times. You have too, but you still get scared everytime.

Strangely enough, Prompto paused the movie and looked at you. You were hiding behind his arm, frightened for your life. "That was scary!" You whined.

He smirked slightly. "It's a scary movie, (y/n), you sure you can handle this?" You rolled your eyes as you pushed his arm away. "Of course I can!" He laughs. "Really? Prove it."

"And how would I prove it?" "Admit your darkest secret." You think for a minute. I don't have any secrets from him...except one.

"Um, well, I may have some....feelings for you." You stuttered. "Well of course you have feelings for me! We're friends!" He said. You facepalm. Of course he would take it differently. Looks like you'd tell him differently.

You grab the collar of his vest and pulled him into a kiss. It took a couple seconds before Prompto kissed back. After a few minutes you pull away, both of you panting from the breathless kiss.

"So that's your darkest secret." He smirked. You look everywhere but at him. "Well, it's the only secret you didn't know, so.."

He smirked and pulled you into another kiss, but this time it's full of passion. After another few minutes you pulled away. "I think you've proved yourself enough."

Your (e/c) eyes lit up with excitement causing him to chuckle and play the movie again.

Ohmergerd it's so SHORT! Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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