Noctis x Reader - Normal Days

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It was a school day, everyone was chatting with their friends and whatnot. The thing was, you and your best friend were no where to be seen, and that worried both Noctis and Prompto (since Prompto had a crush on your best friend while Noctis had a crush on you).

What they didn't know is that you and (b/f/n) went to go show Noctis's bully who's boss. You two were known to be good fighters since you also gained some training from Gladio.

Now at this point of time, you and     (b/f/n) were running. Not in fear, but because you planned the ultimate revenge. (B/f/n) ran down a different hallway while you kept forward. The bully was following you, which meant all was going well.

You slid across the floor of the lobby as (b/f/n) threw the spray paint can at you. You catch it and spray it at his face, causing him to groan. That wasn't the end.

(B/f/n) jumps from behind and covers his face with a diaper, which causes the people in the lobby to burst out laughing. (B/f/n) lifts up the part of the diaper that was covering his face so you could take a picture of him. "Smile!" You said sweetly as you took a picture.

Once it was done she covers his face back up and pulls him up. You both push him into the office, causing the secretaries to be surprised. "What happened?"

You smile an angry smile. "I'll tell you what's wrong. You say this school has a no-bullying tolerance. Well, guess what? This boy here has been bullying our friend for quite some time, and you people haven't done a damn thing. Go on, tell the principal we've done something terrible. This district had it coming."

(B/f/n) throws the bully into the garbage can, leaving the secretaries even more surprised. "Right where he belongs. And this district is next if you don't do anything about this bullying mess."

They gulped as you and (b/f/n) left the office. You passed Noctis and Prompto, and their faces showed that they were really shock. Once you passed them, you and (b/f/n) smirked to each other and fist bumped.

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